How did Banco Bradesco start?

How did Banco Bradesco start? Discover the story of one of the largest banks in Brazil, from humble origins, which became a national space.

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After leaving the bank, he started his own venture with Bradesco, which originally operated as a credit and financing institution for small businesses.

Over time, Banco Bradesco expanded its services to include personal bank accounts and became one of the largest financial institutions in Brazil.

Today Banco Bradesco is headquartered in Osasco, State of São Paulo. The bank has more than 4,700 branches in Brazil alone and operates in several other countries around the world.

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Focusing on digital transformation and sustainability efforts for the future of banking sector growth. How did Banco Bradesco start?

Early years: 1928-1950

Firstly, Banco Bradesco, one of the largest banks in Brazil, had humble beginnings.

The bank was founded by Amador Aguiar in 1943, when he opened Casa Bancária Almeida & Cia with Carlos José da Silva Rocha.

The small bank operated in a single room in Marília, a city in São Paulo.

Therefore, in its early years, Banco Bradesco faced many challenges and obstacles. However, Aguiar's innovative ideas and determination helped the bank grow quickly.

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So he introduced new banking products, such as personal loans and small business financing, which attracted more customers and increased profits.

In 1950, Banco Bradesco expanded its operations to several cities in the state of São Paulo.

This growth established a solid foundation for the bank's future success, as it continued to expand its services throughout Brazil in the coming decades.

Expansion: 1950s-1970s

During the years 1950-1970, the bank experienced significant expansion and growth, becoming one of the largest financial institutions in Brazil.

This expansion was driven by a series of strategic acquisitions and mergers that allowed Banco Bradesco to expand its reach and diversify its services.

In 1956, Banco Bradesco acquired Banco da Bahia, followed by Banco de Crédito Nacional in 1962.

These acquisitions helped establish Banco Bradesco as a major player in the Brazilian banking sector.

Modernization: 1980s-1990s

So, how did Banco Bradesco come about? The Brazilian bank, founded in 1943, began as a small financial institution in the city of Marília, São Paulo.

Thus, the founder, Amador Aguiar, started the bank with the vision of providing affordable financial services to the working class.

Then, in the following decades, Banco Bradesco grew and expanded rapidly.

During the 1980s and 1990s, Banco Bradesco underwent important modernization efforts.

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This innovation allowed customers to access their accounts remotely and carry out transactions from anywhere at any time.

Additionally, Banco Bradesco expanded its operations beyond Brazil's borders during this period.

It acquired several foreign banks and established subsidiaries in countries such as Argentina and Uruguay. These international ventures helped increase the bank's revenue streams.

Thus, by the end of the 1970s, it had established itself as one of Brazil's leading financial institutions, with a strong reputation for customer service and innovation.

Growth and expansion: 2000s

Ultimately, the bank went through several name changes and mergers before finally becoming Banco Bradesco in 1943.

Thus, despite facing challenges such as inflation and economic instability, the bank continued to grow throughout the 2000s.


During this period, Banco Bradesco expanded its services beyond traditional banking products, including insurance, pension plans and credit cards.

The bank also made strategic acquisitions such as the purchase of HSBC Brasil in 2016, which allowed it to increase its market share and expand into new regions.

At first, we can say that Bradesco is one of the largest banks in Brazil, reaching a very large audience.

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