Coronavirus: Trump says it will be necessary to suspend immigration in the US

The coronavirus continues to shake the structures of large nations, and as we are seeing in the international news, several countries are being forced to take radical measures to contain the spread of the virus, which seems to have no end.

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Last Monday, April 20, Donald Trump, current president of the United States, announced via his official Twitter account that he will sign an executive order to temporarily suspend immigration to the country amid the Covid-19 pandemic. the new coronavirus disease.

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According to a publication by O Globo, until 11:21 pm this Monday, the president had not detailed how this suspension would work and for how long it would be in force, but everything indicates that it will be until the end of covid-19.

Coronavírus: Trump diz que será preciso suspender imigração nos EUA

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Coronavirus USA – death toll scares population

The USA is unfortunately the hardest hit by the new coronavirus pandemic. This Monday, the death toll exceeded 42 thousand.

Trump gave an interview this past Monday, he once again defended social distancing measures. Despite also calling for a gradual return to activities, the president recognized the need to respect the guidelines of US health agencies.

He said it must be understood that during this time, therefore, Americans must maintain strict vigilance and continue careful hygiene, social distancing and other protective measures that we have established.

New meetings with the president must take place

Donald Trump is scheduled to meet with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo later this week. The state is the most affected by the new coronavirus, and, even with signs of a decrease in contagion, local authorities do not want to ease the isolation to avoid a new peak of the coronavirus.

Another point to be clarified, states like Georgia already intend to resume activities at the end of this week, but we know it is dangerous.

In order to alert the population, doctor Anthony Fauci, the main infectious disease authority in the USA, warned that an abrupt return could reactivate the Covid-19 crisis.

So stay home! Because there is no other solution!

Source: O Globo Newspaper

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