Coronavirus crisis reinforces the importance of financial education

The world is impacted by the changes caused by the new coronavirus.

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There is not a large country in the world that has not at least tragically changed its routine to help contain the pandemic that has left many people distressed.

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In theory, as the philosopher Luiz Felipe Pondé said: “the virus has no meaning” what we need to do is understand how we can prevent ourselves from becoming infected. However, we can learn one thing from the coronavirus: “it is necessary to have control over our finances”

If you temporarily lost your job, and haven't yet received help from the government, and if you don't have any reserves saved in your personal finances: how are you going to pay your bills, your cards, emergency bills, etc.?

Do you realize how important it is to have financial education and a reserve for help in these difficult times?

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Crise coronavírus reforça a importância de educação financeira

What to do when you don't have a financial reserve?

Some people resort to personal loans, others resort to credit card overdrafts, others even resort to loans from loan sharks. However, our advice here, for informal workers, for example, or self-employed people, is to be aware of the government aid that is about to come.

Also, for those who want to know more about this subject Click here, we did a special subject.

Special tips to avoid getting stuck in times of crisis.

Do not consume more than necessary.

Unfortunately, people in our country are given over to consumerism.

Even those who don't have that much money, the people, that is, people in general, don't educate themselves financially. And when we say this, we are referring to those people who have conditions, access to the internet, to information.

Therefore, try to educate yourself financially.

Always save money for the next 3 months.

Great economists talk about always saving money for a period of 6 months, however, we know that this is not possible, our advice, is the crisis over? Have you started working?

Save money, avoid compulsive buying, the new coronavirus has shown that we need little to survive and have a dignified life, without the need for excessive spending every month.

Anyway, did you like it? So share!

Source: Economic value 

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