DF Rural: Application Helps And Protects Producers 03-22-2020

In the palm of his hand, rural producer Geraldo Magela Gontijo DF Rural, 57 years old, manages to control, catalog and record step by step the entire production of his land at the Pipiripau Rural Nucleus, in Planaltina.

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For this, he uses the DF Rural application, created by the Technical Assistance and Rural Extension Company of the Federal District (Emater-DF).

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Routine is essential for compliance with national legislation, which makes traceability of the production chain mandatory. Thus, fresh vegetables and fruits produced in the country.

DF Rural: Aplicativo Ajuda E Protege Produtores 22 de março de 2020

Tool Available

The tool is available on an experimental basis for use by almost 25,000 producers. However rural registered in the public company linked to the Secretariat of Agriculture, Supply and Rural Development of the DF.

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It was prepared by the Emater team in about six months, at no extra cost to the government. Despite having other functions, the mandatory traceability is the main motivation for its use.

A traceability it is the set of procedures that allows detecting the origin and following up.

Although the movement of a product along the production chain – from planting to reaching the consumer.

This must be done by records printed on labels, alphanumeric codes, bar codes. Therefore QR Code or any other merchandise identification system – including handmade.

DF Rural

The requirement came with a Joint Normative Instruction published in February 2018, by the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Mapa). The system began to take effect gradually, according to the different production chains.

In August 2019, agricultural products such as apples, potatoes, lettuce and tomatoes became subject to inspection.

It is this year that the deadline for all producers of fresh vegetables and fruits to adapt, according to the manager of the DF Rural project, Alberto Gerardi.

Although this record of the elements of the production chain has three importance: complying with the legislation, using it as a form of defense, bringing the producer closer to the customer, and improving the local business with the possibility of better management.

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