Laboratories are authorized to carry out coronavirus tests 03-04-2020

In Viçosa and Rio Paranaíba, laboratories are authorized by Funed to carry out coronavirus tests. Locations are waiting for materials to get started.

According to information released last Thursday (2), by the State Department of Health of Minas Gerais (SES-MG), the Ezequiel Dias Foundation (Funed) authorized the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) to begin carrying out testing for detection of the new coronavirus.

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Six laboratories, five on the Viçosa campus, in Zona da Mata, and another in Rio Paranaíba, in Alto Paranaíba, are among the 19 that were accredited by the State. The locations are awaiting the arrival of materials to begin carrying out the tests.

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Laboratórios são habilitados para fazer testes de coronavírus 03-04-2020

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The UFV said that the expectation is that around 200 tests will be carried out daily, with results being released within 48 hours. The authorized test is real-time RT-PCR, which involves collecting a sample of the patient's nasal and throat secretion.


Sample analyzes will be carried out by the University on patients suspected of having coronavirus in the following locations: At the Virus Ecology and Evolution Laboratory, coordinated by professor Francisco Murilo Zerbini (DFP); Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory, on the Rio Paranaíba campus, coordinated by professors Rubens Pasa, Karine Kavalco and Pedro Ivo Good God. Also at the Animal Immunobiological and Virology Laboratory, coordinated by professor Abelardo Silva Júnior (DVT); and in the Virus Laboratory, under the coordination of professor Poliane Alfenas Zerbini (DMB);

According to the researchers, carrying out the tests does not put the UFV at risk since the collection of materials for exams is carried out by doctors and also by other health professionals in the care units.

“After collection, before being transported to the laboratory, the sample to be analyzed receives a solution. Which destroys the lipid envelope, inactivating the virus”, said Professor Murilo Zerbini.

Not only tests to detect Covid-19 infection in patients, laboratories also have the structure to sequence the coronavirus genome. “This work helps to elucidate questions related to the dispersion and evolution of this virus. Which can support decisions related to measures to contain the epidemic”, said professor Poliane Zerbini.

For more information, visit here. 

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