São Paulo Invoice – Sign up and compete for up to 1 million

Most likely, you have already heard of São Paulo Invoice, or São Paulo Note, a program where part of the tax collected on the purchase of products and services is returned to the citizen and consumer in the credit format.

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Explaining better, the São Paulo note, can be considered the mother of “Cashback”, (procedure popularized by AME digital, where part of the amount purchased in stores such as Americanas and Submarino, part of the amount paid in products is returned to you).

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In this sense, since you are already going to make the purchase, why not register your CPF or CNPJ on the note and have part of the value returned to you as credits, to use as you prefer.

With that in mind, today we'll show you how download and install The São Paulo Invoice, It is like compete for many prizes.

Getting to know the São Paulo Tax Invoice

A São Paulo invoice, was regulated in 2006, however, it was in 2007 that it began to come into force throughout the state of São Paulo.

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The program aims to reduce the tax burden, returning part of what you paid in taxes, in the form of credits that you can use, to withdraw, to deduct IPVA, or recharge your cell phone.

To register, citizens can choose between physical person, or legal person (if you have an open company).

How do I register with Nota Paulistana?

To register for São Paulo note, it's quite simple actually, just follow the tutorial below:

  1. Access the website of Treasury Department;
  2. present the CPF or CNPJ number, date of birth and mother's full name, among other information;
  3. You will be redirected to the “Consumer Data” field to fill in the information requested by SEFAZ;
  4. Once completed, your registration with São Paulo Invoice is ready!

Pretty simple right? Set out to register São Paulo invoice right now.

How to Consult the Nota Paulistana?

To consult, it's not difficult either, again, access the Nota Paulistana website, and follow the steps below: 

  • Access the website of São Paulo Invoice;
  • Enter your CPF or CNPJ and the password generated at the time of registration;
  • Define the period (semester) you want to view;
  • Select the 'Consult' option;
  • All notes generated during that period must be viewed by the consumer in question.

Okay, you consulted the credits of the São Paulo note. It is worth mentioning that the notes are available for consultation and redemption for a period of 4 months, after which they expire.

How to Redeem Credits from Nota Paulistana?

There are two ways to redeem credits, being able to carry out the procedure either by site, like fur mobile app, check out the tutorial below:

  • Just click on “Current account”;
  • Choose the option “Use credits”;
  • Mention your account details – current or savings – to redeem the money.
São Paulo note

If consumer has between R$ 0.99 and R$ 49.99, the field will be automatically filled with the minimum balance allowed by the SEFAZ. This process can take up to 20 days to complete.

Participate in Sweepstakes

Every R$ 100 reais spent, the consumer receives a digital coupon for compete for thousands of prizes. You must choose to participate, you can do so either through the website or through the app.


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