New Bolsa Família 2021 – How to Register and Consult

You need to register New Family Scholarship 2021? Or do you even believe that you fit the established criteria to participate in the program? Know that in the year 2021, the Bolsa Familia program, will undergo changes, currently the government is analyzing and studying a way to change some things in the project.

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With that in mind, today we bring you information about the New Bolsa Familia, and how you can apply.

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Bolsa Família Program

The program Bolsa Familia, was created in the early 2000s, during the Lula government, and since then, the project has already helped millions of Brazilian families. The program aims to transfer direct income from the nation to the population living in poverty and extreme poverty.

O Payment Schedule of the Aid for the Bolsa Família, was released, and will follow the final number of the NIS.

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NIS Ended in:1st installment2nd installment3rd installment4th installment
Source: Caixa Econômica Federal

Program Changes

O Bolsa Familia program, will undergo changes in the year 2021. The federal government intends to expand the project, so that the Bolsa Familia beneficiaries, may apply for a microcredit digital from to R$ 1,000 reais, for formal and informal micro-entrepreneurs, to make investments, buying a machine, for example.

Another anticipated change is the childcare assistance, will be released R$ 250 reais, for mothers with small children.

You amounts paid for the Bolsa Familia, will also increase, the installments will reach R$ 200 reais. And the government also intends, award benefits to public school students in 3 aspects, best students, science and technology and sports activities.

Who can enroll in Bolsa Familia?

To enroll in the program, the citizen needs to live in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty. Your income needs to be up to R$ 89 reais per person, in the case of extreme poverty, or up to R$ 178 reais per person, in the case of poverty. In addition, families must have children or adolescents between 0 and 17 years of age in their composition.

New Bolsa Família 2021

It is worth mentioning that the INSS, changed some criteria of the census published in the official gazette of the Union, thus increasing the per capita income criterion, to be considered a citizen in a situation of poverty or extreme poverty, therefore, it will facilitate the entry of new participants.

How to Enroll in the Program

To sign up, look for the CRAS responsible for your municipality, or the Social Assistance of your city, there they will request some documents, so that the registration in CadÚnico, and will make the request so that you can participate in Bolsa Familia.


To enroll in the program, look for the CRAS closest, with the necessary documentation, to consult the benefit, access the application of Bolsa Familia.

bolsa família 2021

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