What kind of fingers do you have? Your fingers say a lot about your personality.

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Maybe you ask yourself: but where is the secret anyway? We immediately replied that the secret is in your ring finger and index finger. 

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It's no joke, that's right. This can say a lot about what kind of man you are. Yes, this test only applies to men because the length of these fingers indicates the level of testosterone in men. 

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There are three types: A, B and C, let's understand the subject better

A. It means that the ring finger is longer than the index finger

Everyone will like this association, here we are talking about handsome men here. They are charming and can get along with everyone. However, they are a bit more aggressive and are quick to take risks. It also means that these people often make more money than their peers with a shorter ring finger.

B. Here the ring finger is shorter than the index finger

Research reveals that men with these hands are very confident and can even be a little narcissistic. These people have no difficulty being alone often and cannot be disturbed. When it comes to love, they don't venture out there much. They aren't the only ones making the first move.

C. Finally: the ring finger and index finger are the same length

We're done here, which perhaps says enough. Men with these hands are good mediators, very loyal and loving. Everything is balanced with these people. They are calm and everything seems to run smoothly, as if they have everything organized.

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