Top Apps to remove photo background

Several times you must have already taken an excellent photo, with nice colors, good framing and nice lighting, however, the bottom it's bad, because you couldn't reproduce an interesting scenario, or because the environment is not favoring you, isn't it? For this with the help of technology, there are applications to take the background of the photo.

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If you market your products on an e-commerce site, or maybe you just want to get a compromising person or object out of a photo. Surely a question has already come to your mind: how to remove the background of a photo, in a very practical way, and totally free.

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Thinking about it, today we prepared a list, with the best free apps, and simpler to use.


O picsart app, is available for Android and iPhone, the multitasking app is capable of making many changes to a photo, one of them is to allow change image background, for any scenario that is saved in your gallery smartphone, or by landscapes that are already available in the application itself.

O PicsArt also offers scenario options for change photo background, which vary from wallpapers to backgrounds with landscapes, and images that are saved in your smartphone.

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O app also allows you to automatically download the photo in PNG format, keeping the background transparent of the image that was edited.


The second application from the list is the BeautyPlus, which is available for download both in the Android version and in the iPhone version, as well as PicsArt, BeautyPlus is a application very complete. When using the app, it is possible to crop the background of the photograph through the platform's mini app settings.

To download the photo without the background, select the indicated menu, and click on the “Eliminate the AI Fund”. Next, click on “try it now”, and choose a photo.

O application then, will remove the background of the image, automatically, and you can save the image by clicking on “save”, the image will be saved in PNG.

background eraser

O background eraser app is released for smartphones and Android phones. by himself application, you can edit the photo by removing the background of the photography automatically or manually (as you prefer).

With this feature of delete background automatically it may not be as efficient, on some occasions, to have a better result, it is more interesting to do manual editing, as you will be able to decrease or increase the zoom size, edit photos, limit brushes.

remove photo background

In addition, the platform has a tool that manages to smooth the contour of the cropped photo, which gives a more pleasant and subtle look to the limits of the photograph. It is also possible to make PNG image download as transparent background backdrop, or in PNG format, in this second option, the background image is changed to a black or white backdrop.


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You apps mentioned in the text, can be downloaded from the virtual stores of android or from iOS.

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