Banks are back in operation in Rio de Janeiro 03/28/2020

Governor of Rio authorizes return to the operation of bank branches in the state. Coronavirus cases continue to rise in the country.

Last Friday, the 27th, the measure in which Governor Wilson Witzel authorized the return of banks in Rio de Janeiro was published in the Official Gazette of the state. The measure authorizes the operation of bank branches as long as the situation of risk to public health, caused by the expansion of the new coronavirus pandemic, continues.

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According to the determination made by the governor, bank branches and lottery houses must respect the limit of 30% for occupancy of the establishments' physical capacity. Establishments must set aside at least one hour per day for exclusive service to risk groups.

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Volta o funcionamento dos bancos no Rio de Janeiro 28/03/2020

According to Witzel, the population cannot do without essential banking services, especially in a time of crisis. “We have INSS [National Social Security Institute] retirees and beneficiaries who receive their payments at bank branches,” said the governor.

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For the Secretary of Economic Development, Energy and International Relations, Lucas Tristão, people who do not have access to digital means of banking operations will benefit.

In addition, he added: “Thousands of small companies, commercial establishments, informal and self-employed workers need to move their resources in cash”.

The secretary emphasized that the decree also allows the population to access social benefits, such as the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS), unemployment insurance, Bolsa Família and salary allowance.

The number of infected in the country grows

According to the latest update from the Ministry of Health on the coronavirus, the number of deaths reached 92 this Friday (27). Thursday there were 77 deaths. The result means an increase of 18% compared to yesterday.

Compared to the beginning of the week, when there were 25 deaths, the number multiplied by 3.68 times. The lethality rate reached its maximum for the week, standing at 2.7%.

Yesterday, the 27th, the total number of confirmed cases jumped from 2,915 to 3,417. This result configures an increase of 80% in cases compared to the beginning of the week, when 1,891 infected people were confirmed.

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