5 practical tips for you to increase your credit card limit

Credit Card: maybe you are wondering: how do I increase the limit? I've done everything, but the bank won't release a higher limit on my card, I'm giving up now.

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However, take it easy, do not despair, there is still a solution, increasing the limit of a credit card is not an impossible task, however, it is not as easy as many think.

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If you really intend to increase your card limit, read carefully all the information that we will pass on to you, and then follow the instructions, there is no point in informing yourself and not putting the knowledge into practice.

It's also important that you are aware of your responsibility towards your bank, being a good customer, etc… But we'll talk about that in tip number 2. Well, without further ado, isn't it true?

5 dicas práticas para você aumentar seu limite 25-fevereiro-2020

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#1 Don't let your name get dirty once your card is approved

This first tip is for those people who already got their card approved by a financial institution, and due to some carelessness they let their name be negative, don't let that happen. Keep in mind that to increase your bank limit, your name needs to be up to date. Stay smart.

# 2 Be a good payer

What does that mean? Put more bluntly: you need to pay your bills on time so you can really top up your card. Sense of responsibility is very important for those who want greater limits.

#3 Be patient.

Many people, including me, when I had my card approved by NUBANK, in the second month I was already asking for a limit, people, of course the bank is not going to increase it. Their relationship is still very new, ask for a limit, only after 6 months of relationship with the Bank. Be patient.

# 4 Do not pay the invoice minimum.

That's right, no matter how tight you are, don't fall into the trap of paying the minimum, it will become a real snowball, and later you will no longer be able to pay your bill.

#5 Purchase regularly on your card.

It's the simplest tip, isn't it? If your limit is 400 reais and you really manage to pay a bill for that amount every month, buy everything on your credit card, you know those little things you need from the supermarket? Shopping from the fair? Buy with your card and pay on time, have a good purchase and payment history.

If in 6 months you do this, be sure that your limit will be doubled very easily!

Anyway, for more information on this topic, click here and read exclusive content. 




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