5 financial education books that can transform your life

These seven financial education books will certainly help you get a better direction on how to organize your personal finances. We can say that financial freedom and economic comfort are essential requirements for a balanced life in busy times.

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Far beyond salaries or incomes full of digits, the secret to financial health lies in the intelligent application and management of resources - whether modest or voluminous.

Nowadays there is a lot of good literature available on the subject, with precious tips and teachings about personal finance, capable of changing the lives and worldviews of its readers.

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5 livros de educação financeira 22-fevereiro-2020

That's why today we're going to talk about the top seven financial education books that promise to revolutionize the way you can reorganize yourself financially.

 “Rich Dad Poor Dad”

It's a timeless classic that everyone should read. Written American millionaire Robert Kiyosaki is already required reading in personal finance book suggestions.

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In the work, the author deals with life experiences, coming from a middle-class family in Hawaii, and what he learned from the observances about his father's model of life (whom he calls "poor father") who never achieved economic freedom, and the father of his best friend (the “rich dad”), whose entrepreneurial stance led him to be the richest man in the country.

This read is really worth it!

“How to Invest in Real Estate”

This is also a must-read for anyone planning to invest. Among the many tips presented by the author Ávila, practical advice to reduce fees practiced by construction companies and real estate, which are often abusive, stands out.

Without a doubt, this book is an excellent investment for anyone interested in investing in real estate in 2020.

The New Rule of the Game”

In “The New Rule of the Game” written by Rafael Paschoarelli reveals the surprising secrets and traps created by unscrupulous businessmen and traders —

This includes the big banks and financial institutions — to extort the consumer. The author also provides a series of tips for the reader to protect himself from these abuses and, thus, not commit financial waste.

Smart Investment.

In more than 600 pages, several (and extremely precious) the book brings lessons for those who want to start investing — both in fixed income and in the stock market.

However, the most current versions are edited and commented by big names like Jason Zweig — acclaimed columnist for the Wall Street Journal —

In this work you will find rich content and current applications for this classic of finance literature.

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