Porto do Recife Has a Scheme to Receive More Than 2,200 Cruise Passengers During the Festival

Until Friday of next week (02/28), the port of Recife will receive 2,206 cruise tourists. Before that, they will pass through two capitals that are also a sure destination at this time, in Brazil: Rio de Janeiro and Salvador.

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Assim sendo, três navios de passageiros estão previstos para atracar na cidade no período de folia de Momo.Logo que  primeiro chegará à cidade na segunda-feira.

Meanwhile, coming from Salvador and flying the flag of Malta, the vessel MS Europa 2 – which started its journey on January 30 in Santiago, Chile – has 516 tourists on board.

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Porto do Recife Tem Esquema Para Recepcionar Mais De 2,2 Mil Passageiros De Cruzeiro Durante A Folia 22 de fevereiro de 2020

In principle, on Tuesday (25), Porto do Recife will receive another 258 passengers, starting at 2 pm. They will come on the Hamburg cruise, flying the German flag, which will stop in Rio de Janeiro first. The trip began in Montevideo at the end of last month.

The two ships only spend one day in Recife, before heading to the capital of Ceará. On Friday (28) it will be the turn of the ship Voledam, coming from Salvador, to dock at 8 am. Like the others, the itinerary started abroad – in this case, the trip started in Florida, in the United States, on January 5th. The vessel will arrive in the city with 1,432 passengers on board.

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Following the control protocol of the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa), in line with the World Health Organization (WHO), the management of the Port of Recife also prepared to face possible risk situations related to the coronavirus.

The three ships that will arrive in the city have already been in Brazil for longer than the 18 days that a vessel would routinely remain under observation in the face of global alerts, a period called “quarantine”.

The coordinator of Environmental Management at the Port of Recife, José Divard de Oliveira Filho, clarifies that before a vessel docks, it is customary for a “health declaration” to be issued.

However, the bulletin through which Anvisa is informed of atypical occurrences, such as cases of fever or diarrhea on board, for example.

Only after analyzing this document can passengers disembark.

The report is also made available by the ship's captain to the consenting bodies, as well as the Port Authority, approximately 24 hours before the expected arrival time of the vessel.

In a case of this type, the captain must provide a list of travelers with identification of function, cabin, possible contacts on board, stopovers and connections.

It will also guarantee the implementation of complementary health prevention and control measures oriented and/or determined by the health authority.

Sound warnings will also be issued with guidelines from Anvisa, in four languages, at the Passenger Terminal. The notices, during the disembarkation procedure, will be made available in Portuguese, English, Spanish and Mandarin.


Just as the 2019/2020 season will end on April 20, with the arrival of Costa Fascinosa.

A expectativa é um aumento de quase 70% no número de passageiros, e o de embarcações também cresceu: em vez dos 19 navios da temporada anterior, quer  chegarão por aqui 26 navios de passageiros, trazendo mais de 40 mil visitantes.

The expectation is that at least R$ 8 million will be left by tourists in the trade of goods and services.

In short, research carried out by Empetur points out that cruise tourists spend about four and a half hours on Pernambuco soil, and spend, on average, R$ 202.14 while on dry land. According to the survey, carried out in 2018, 74% of cruise passengers come from abroad.

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