65 confirmed cases of coronavirus in São Paulo

The expansion of the coronavirus in São Paulo increases. There are already 65 confirmed cases of the infection. The state has over 53% of records in the country

Subiu para 65 o  número de casos do novo coronavírus no estado de São Paulo. Segundo o balanço atualizado do Ministério da Saúde divulgado neste sábado (14). O estado representa 53,7% dos casos da doença de todo o Brasil, que tem 121 confirmados.

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According to the Health Department, there are 62 confirmed cases in the capital, 1 in Santana do Parnaíba, 1 in Ferraz de Vasconcelos and 1 in Carapicuíba.

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65 casos de coronavírus confirmados em São Paulo

In addition to the confirmed people, in São Paulo there are also 752 suspected cases and 545 that were discarded.

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Even with the official numbers released by the ministry, Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein reported that there were 98 confirmed cases in the state last Thursday (12).

São Paulo registered until Friday (13), 56 cases in the state, according to the Ministry of Health, an increase of 9 cases in the last 24 hours.

Measures to contain transmission

The government of São Paulo and the City of São Paulo informed on Friday (13) that as of Monday (16), classes in state and municipal schools are suspended. The total suspension takes place from the 23rd.

In higher education, the University of São Paulo (USP) and the Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp) announced that as of Tuesday (17), they will suspend classes.

It was announced last Friday afternoon, by Instituto Presbiteriano Mackenzie, the suspension of classes in its units in São Paulo after the confirmation of two cases of coronavirus at the university itself on the campus of the capital, in the Higienópolis neighborhood.

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