MT Producers Face Difficulties Transporting Cargo On BR-174

Government provided R$ 290 million to pave 272 kilometers in the region. Although MT producers are still in the Northwest of Mato Grosso, the Pro-Logistics Movement registered the precariousness of the roads. Being this in the region and the hard life of those who wait for the asphalt.

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Although there are already federal resources to start the paving, residents still have to live with the isolation and unemployment generated by the lack of accessibility.

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Produtores de MT enfrentam dificuldades para transportar cargas na BR-174 15 de março de 2020

villain highway

The terrible conditions of the BR-174 in the Northwest of the State make the highway the villain of the region. Juruena cattle ranchers saw the arroba drop by R$ 3.00 since the nearest slaughterhouse is in Juína, 160 kilometers from MT producers.

The refrigerating plant became unsustainable due to so many quagmires along the way, explains Antônio da Silva, cattle rancher and mayor of the Juruena City Council.

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Anderson Silva's family lost three incomes with the closure of the city's slaughterhouse. Thus being his and his wife's as employees of the industry and also that of a cattle-trailer car wash.

The couple's dream of having their own business went down the drain six months ago. The investment of R$ 60,000 to assemble the car wash was not even paid off.

In addition to Juruena, there are four other municipalities in the northwest of Mato Grosso along the BR-174. However, they face the same difficulties in selling wood and cattle from MT producers. The scenario is expected to change in the coming months.


However, the resource to pave the highway is already secured: R$ 290 million to pave 272 kilometers. So these cities between the cities of Castanheira and Colniza.

The agreement between the State and the federal government was signed in April this year and the work should begin in the first quarter of next year.

O município de Colniza é maior que todo o Estado de Alagoas, concentra um rebanho de 450 mil cabeças. Assim sendo  não tem nem um quilômetro de asfalto. Comerciante de gado de corte e produtores MT, Carlito dos Santos sobrevive na atividade graças aos caminhões próprios para levar os animais de Colniza até Cuiabá.

In the rainy season, when not even the slaughterhouse comes to pick up the raw material, he hits the road, even though sometimes the damage is unavoidable.

Under the Integrated MT program, the State must also pave the access roads to the cities of Cotriguaçu and Aripuanã up to the connection with the BR-174, eliminating the quagmires that also harm the local economy.

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