Tucumã Farmers Will Receive R$ 400,000 To Strengthen Cocoa Planting

In the region of Araguaia Paraense, eight families settled from the agrarian reform of Tucumã, should receive, in March, R$ 400 thousand to implement Agroforestry Systems (Safs) farmers.

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In order to enhance the socioeconomic and environmental value of cocoa, the flagship of family farming in the municipality, it is also exported to Bahia, transforming it into chocolate.

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As the cocoa production chain currently generates 64,000 direct jobs and another 255,000 indirect jobs in the For, according to data from Adepará.

Agricultores De Tucumã Receberão R$ 400 Mil Para Fortalecer Plantio Do Cacau 15 de fevereiro de 2020


The income produced with fruit in the State reaches R$ 787.5 million per year, so Pará has producing regions: northeast, south, west, region of the islands and Transamazônica.

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Thus, the individual projects represent R$ 50 thousand each and indicate the intercropping of cocoa with banana, for temporary shading and use of the crop.

Maintaining performance, technicians visit the properties and, on these occasions, evaluate the plantation, monitor and register the harvest of farmers.

The Pronaf Floresta of the National Program for Strengthening Forest Family Agriculture, a line aimed at sustainability and ecology, has been activated more quantitatively.

In fact, R$ 400,000 resources will be placed as a replacement for the costs of Safs, which are already being implemented in at least six different vicinal roads.

According to the head of Emater's local office in Tucumã, agricultural technician Ronnie Peterson Santos, the expectation is to diversify activities.

Some areas are degraded and the Safs come as a recovery tool. The result is positive on all fronts, concluded coach Ronnie Santos.

However, Pronaf Floresta, a line aimed at sustainability and ecology, has been activated more quantitatively in Tucumã since last year.

Objective is to promote sustainable agriculture, sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.

The product is exported to Bahia, where it is transformed into chocolate for sale.

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