Anticipation of the 13th Caixa Salary – Very Easy and Simplified 

Thousands of people all over Brazil are looking for some extra money, but they don't want to get a personal loan, because according to them the rates and interest are getting higher and higher, so Caixa decided to launch the Anticipation from the 13th Sbox salary. 

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This is one of the best anticipations of the 13th salary on the market, it is totally free of bureaucracy, this is due to one of the best digital platforms on the market, as it makes the anticipation come out faster and that personal data stay even safer during the process. 

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Antecipação do 13º Salário Caixa
Anticipation of the 13th Cash Salary

sOpen the Box: 

This is one of the largest and most renowned banks in Brazil, it has thousands of branches throughout the country and still has years of tradition and competence, thus conquering thousands of customers over the years. 

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Qwho can do: 

This anticipation is aimed at people who are looking for some extra money, who are 18 years old or older, who have a Caixa account and who receive for it and who do not have any outstanding debts in their name. 

If the interested party has a pending item in his name and wants to make this anticipation, then first he has to settle this debt, then he can do it without any problem. 

Çhow to do Anticipation from the 13th Sbox salary: 

To make this advance, the interested party must have their personal and financial data in hand and have access to the internet, as the entire process will be done online and on the bank's website. 

To make this anticipation, the interested party must access the official site da Caixa, read all the information about it, then he can make the anticipation with his personal and financial data. 

To find out more information about the Anticipation from the 13th Sbox salary, just go to Caixa's official website. 

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