App to watch soap opera on mobile

If you're a person who doesn't miss a soap opera chapter for nothing, get to know an app to watch soap operas on your cell phone .

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Most Brazilians like to watch soap operas, even more so when they are in those episodes that will show something surprising.

However, we don't always manage to arrive in time to be able to watch, but we don't need to miss the chapter for that reason.

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That's because nowadays there are several applications that allow you to watch soap operas on your cell phone, either live or reruns.

And so you can follow your favorite soap opera, we've separated a selection of apps to watch soap operas on your cell phone .

Globo Play

First of all, in our selection of apps to watch soap operas on your cell phone, you'll find the popular Globo Play .

The Globo Play app has a large number of content in its catalog, movies, series, sports, news and of course, soap operas.

The Globo Play platform allows you to watch your favorite soap opera as many times as you want, and has the option to save to watch offline later.

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However, you need to know that the application takes up a little bit of the phone's memory, but it's not a big amount.

But with the app you can watch the live programming that is on Rede Globo channel, so you can watch your soap opera live.

Just create a free account on the app and you will be able to follow the schedule live and for free.


Secondly, the VIX app is another option in our selection of apps to watch soap operas on mobile .

The VIX app also has a very large catalog, and that includes soap operas, movies and series from the best, 100% for free.

In addition, VIX has several Latin soap operas, which are well accepted in Brazil, and the app's intelligence indicates soap operas based on your taste.


Thirdly, it is still possible to find SBT in our selection of apps to watch soap operas on your cell phone .

Like the previous ones, the SBT app allows you to watch several soap opera titles, from the oldest to the most current.

In addition, you can watch all the live programming of the SBT channel on open TV at no cost.

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And there is also no time limit or titles you can watch, on the contrary, you can watch as many times as you want.

Although the SBT app is free, you will need to create a registration in order to access the content available in the app.


Finally, in our selection of apps to watch soap operas on your cell phone , you can also find Netflix .

It may even come as a big surprise to many people, but the great Netflix makes several soap opera titles available in their catalog.

But most people don't know this, because the platform's biggest focus is certainly on movies and series.


However, some of the soap operas that Netflix makes available even reached the list of most watched in Brazil.

And as you may know, to access content from the Netflix platform, you need to subscribe to one of the plans that it makes available.

Finally, all the apps that have been mentioned above, you can find in the Google Play Store and Apple Store app loas.

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