ICMS Collection In CE Should Drop To 25% Due To Coronavirus 2020-03-22

Still no response from the Federal Government on the request for help to face the crisis triggered by the coronavirus in the economy State ICMS collection Thus, Secretary Fernanda Pacobahyba (Finance) revealed that the collection of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) should fall between 20% and 25% in March.

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By classifying the state's economic situation as "very critical", Pacobahyba also informed that the State Participation Fund (FPE) has been decreasing this year.

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Consisting of installments of the Income and the Tax on Industrial Production and transferred by the Federal Government to the states. Therefore, the FPE destined for Ceará had a reduction of 9% in January, before the pandemic and, now, it should repeat the percentage of retraction.

Arrecadação De ICMS No CE Deve Cair Até 25% Devido Ao Coronavírus 22 DE MARÇO DE 2020

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ICMS collection

Still without a response from the Federal Government on the request for help to face the crisis triggered by the coronavirus in the state economy, secretary Fernanda Pacobahyba (Finance) revealed that the collection of the Tax on Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS) should fall between 20% and 25% in March.

By classifying the state's economic situation as "very critical", Pacobahyba also informed that the State Participation Fund (FPE) has been decreasing this year. Consisting of installments of the Income Tax and the Industrial Production Tax and transferred by the Federal Government to the states, the FPE destined to Ceará had a reduction of 9% in January, before the pandemic and, now, it should repeat the percentage of retraction.

“We are not on a bed of roses, no. Everyone is in a whirlwind of difficulties”, lamented the secretary, endorsing. Therefore, a new letter was sent to Minister Paulo Guedes in an attempt to ease the difficulty of state tax authorities in facing the crisis.

help to sectors

In the same way that Sefaz-CE led a request for support to the Federal Government, business leaders have manifested themselves. Although to have help from the Ceará tax authorities to face the period of closed doors and little movement.

However, the Secretary of Finance returned the request: “We claim exactly the opposite. Because look: we are in March doing the collection for the month of February. It was a month that we didn't have the coronavirus. So, it's a tribute that we look forward to. I didn't have this crisis. It is a past fact”.

She argues that “the situation in the State of Ceará is a situation of balance, but it is a situation in which no entity is put to the test”, that is, it depends exclusively on work.

Autonomous and poorer

However, at the beginning of last night (21), the governed Camilo Santana promised help to the most vulnerable population of Ceará in a statement made on social networks. Among the beneficiaries, as noted by the governor, are the self-employed.

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