Corn Crop Pleases Producers From Northwest Paulista 2020-03-22

Corn harvest pleases producers in the northwest of São Paulo Reproduction/TV TEM The frenetic pace of the combine sets the tone of the harvest.

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On Mário Ângelo Imada's farm, in the municipality of Bady Bassitt, corn began to be harvested a few days ago and the result has left the farmer satisfied.

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However, he says that it rained well and that the ears developed and became full of grains. The producer's expectation is to harvest 8 tons per hectare.

Last year, the productivity did not exceed 3 tons because of the weather.

Safra De Milho Agrada Produtores Do Noroeste Paulista 22 de março de 2020

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Corn Crop Increase

In Brazil as a whole, corn production should increase a little in the first harvest and fall in the second.

In the sum of the two, the IBGE predicts a reduction of 4% this year, reaching 96 million tons. (Video: see the report shown on the program on 03/22/2020) Corn harvest pleases producers in northwest São Paulo The current harvest has been positive in relation to prices.

like the dollar skyrocketed against the real and corn is a commodity, that is, with prices set on the foreign market, producers received R$ 55.00 for a 60-kilogram bag.

It's the best quote in over a decade. While this crop is harvesting, many people have already planted the safrinha, which will be harvested in May, but the concern now has been the lack of rain.

Vida dos Santos Souza planted corn for silage.

She has already harvested everything and this year she achieved much more than last year.

Although she explains that the crop yielded more and that, as a result, the silage was of better quality.

In short, the great flexibility that the corn crop has, adapting to different types of production.

Thus, the best planting time must be decided by the farmer after planning. The conscious production, which minimizes the risk factors for the culture.


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