Bolsonaro dismisses PF director and generates new crisis in his government

Bolsonaro dismisses this Friday morning (24) the director of the federal police (the largest investigative body in the country) to put a name of his trust, but that was not the only thing Bolsonaro did, he also did not talk to Moro in the decision time.

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The former minister was perplexed by the attitude of the president of the republic, who had told him at the beginning of his inauguration that he would have carte blanche to act within the PF.

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With this attitude, in the midst of the biggest global pandemic (coronavirus) that has ever occurred in recent decades, Bolsonaro provoked yet another crisis in a row within his own Government.

As stated by Joice Hasselmann, who is a former leader of the government in Congress, the PF reached the 'nucleus of financiers of the digital militias'. She stated that part of them funded these pro-military coup movements. Bolsonaro wants to avoid future problems.

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Bolsonaro exonerates director and causes crisis

Yet another crisis provoked by the president himself

In the midst of a terrible coronavirus pandemic that has already killed more than 3,300 people in the country, Jair Bolsonaro created a new political crisis by dismissing this morning the director general of the Federal Police, Maurício Valeixo, Moro's trusted man.

According to Bolsonaro's mistaken decision to replace Valeixo, Moro had already said that he would leave the government. But that did not intimidate Bolsonaro. This Friday, the dismissal of the general director was published in the Official Gazettel.

Bolsonaro wants to have a voice over the command of the corporation and absolute control over everything. Since last year, he has been trying to remove Valeixo and interfere with investigations, but has been blocked by moves by his minister and the PF itself.

However, this time, the rush to “get free”, as described by a palatial advisor to the director general of the PF, would have a very clear motivation.

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Source: Globo News

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