Brazil has almost 20,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus and passes 1,000 deaths

Unfortunately, cases of the new coronavirus pandemic that have directly affected the world have only tripled, and in Brazil it could not be different, as social isolation is not being fully respected.

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The common sense among all countries in the world is: stay at home, you only go out for really urgent and necessary reasons, however, what we see in the streets and squares is the overcrowding of people, the desperation of buying tons of things without really need.

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The guidelines of World Health Organization remain, and to flatten this curve, that is, to prevent it from progressing, the most recommended thing is not to be in environments where the number of people is large, therefore, we leave here our request for collaboration: only leave the house if it is for mandatory work and urgent need.

Brasil tem quase 20 mil casos confirmados de coronavírus e passa de mil mortes

About the advance of the coronavirus in Brazil

The Federal Government informed us this week that Covid-19 surpassed the mark of a thousand deaths in Brazil this Friday (10). Balance of the Ministry of Health indicates the total of 1,056 deaths and 19,638 confirmed cases.

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According to published data, due to non-compliance with social isolation, the country reached this number 44 days after the first case was registered in the country and 24 days after the first death was registered. (below, in this report, learn more about the victims profile).

It was also disclosed that the states with the most deaths are: São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Pernambuco, Ceará and Amazonas, exactly in this one respectively.
The states with the fewest deaths are: Acre with a total of 2 deaths, then Amapá 2, then Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Mato Grosso do Sul, Roraima, Alagoas and Sergipe.

Curiosity about the coronavirus 2020:

Tocantins is the only state that has not recorded deaths

Deaths more than double in one week
Total deaths have more than doubled since last week. On Friday (3), there were 432 deaths. The increase from the total released this Friday was 144%.

In São Paulo, according to data revealed by the Dória Government, about 17,000 samples are in the queue to carry out the test that proves the infection by covid 19.

The Regional Council of Medicine of the State of São Paulo (Cremesp) denounced the Adolfo Lutz Institute to the Public Prosecutor's Office and the Secretary of State for Health for the loss of around 20,000 samples from patients who would undergo tests to prove they had coronavirus.

Anyway, how to prevent yourself against the coronavirus? Follow WHO recommendations, it's the best we can do right now.

And of course, share this content, because it's important!

Source: Ministry of Health

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