Credit card for online negatives – how not to fall for scams?

Credit card for negative online is one of the most searched terms on the internet nowadays, especially in this complicated period that the world has been going through with the new coronavirus.

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This article is to alert you that you are negative in the SPC or Serasa, however, you cannot obtain a credit card. Care must be taken not to fall into scams.

It is known that in times of crisis, many charlatans and profiteers appear.

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If you read this article carefully, you will also be on your guard against the frauds and scams that occur on the internet every day.

Cartão de crédito para negativados online - como não cair em golpes?

First, here are some internet safety tips to help prevent fraudsters.

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That way, they won't be able to steal your most important personal data:

  • Do not save your passwords.
  • Change your passwords periodically.
  • Do not install suspicious software.
  • Attention to downloads.
  • Careful with the links you click.
  • Update your antivirus.
  • Don't believe in super promotions from Internet

Be careful when accessing your bank account on computers other than your personal one.

Did you find any interesting offer on the internet regarding the credit card, are you using someone else's computer? Be careful, this can be a perfect scenario for fraudsters.

Don't be so innocent, try to verify that the website address really belongs to the banking service and follow all the security rules recommended by the bank. Oh, another tip: avoid doing this on public computers or public Wi-Fi networks.

Online credit card purchases – beware

This tip is important: try to shop online on trusted sites, so the risks of something going wrong are lower.

If you are interested in a product sold on a site unknown, do a search to find out which feedback what other customers have said about the service — in addition to some security measures, such as the data privacy certificate, that padlock, you know?

How not to fall for credit card scams?

Doubt any proposal that is too easy, credit card limits that are suspicious, always contact your bank to make sure that the proposal received is really true.

Do you want to apply for your credit card to be negative? Learn how to do it here!

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