Meet the worst banks with interest or credit card rates

Credit cards and their variations in fees will always be a big question for many Brazilians, but don't worry because we've gathered a series of information that will allow you to make a comparison of which is the best card to apply for.

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You will always be in doubt as to which card is the best, as there are many options on the market, it is not true, but “thank God” there is the internet today that allows you to better inform yourself about the advantages and disadvantages of a card. credit.

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Without further ado, let's go? 4 Banks with the best credit card options on the market that you really need to know.

4 Bancos com as menores taxas nos cartões de crédito 19-março-2020

Which banks have the highest revolving rates?

Previously, we already talked a little about credit cards with the highest revolving rates, today we want to make some clear information about which banks are with high interest rates.

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Many of these banks, which we will cite here, have already lost a lot of their customers due to the abuse of interest. The intention here is not to defame the mentioned banks, however, to present a reality, in which we can observe if it really pays to work with them.

Since the market offers us interesting credit card options with low rates and with no annual fee options, without taking into account other benefits.

Top banks with high credit card fees

The fees are not just for credit cards, but also for personal loans, property financing, or any other financial transaction. Let's see the comparison below?

Which is the worst bank?

If we analyze the public's response: currently Banco do Brasil and Santander have the worst ombudsman services among larger banks.

However, it is important to say that Banco do Brasil and Santander have the worst ombudsman services among the largest financial institutions in the country, according to the “Ombudsman Quality Ranking”, released by the Central Bank.

Followed by these two banks, those on the list of undesirables are Banco Bradesco and Banco HSBC, with the worst interest rates, poor service in physical stores and an exhaustive delay in credit or financing proposals.

Now that you know, avoid opening an account or sending proposals to these banks.

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