How to get free dental implant through SUS

Taking care of oral health is essential, as it is not only related to aesthetics and by obtaining this care we do not put our body at risk. However, if you pay attention to good health, you will avoid losing your teeth and having complications from cardiovascular problems and diabetes. How to get free dental implant through SUS.

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When searching the dental treatment in particular, we know that it is not very cheap, but the population ends up leaving it for later, only running after it when the problem increases.

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But what a large part of the population still doesn't know is there is the Smiling Brazil Program where can you perform the service free fur Health Unic System (SUS) to take care of your teeth, and thus taking care of your oral health you will have one more reason to smile.

So let's introduce you to information about the Smiling Brazil Program and how to get one dental implant and participate in the program to carry out your orthodontic treatment, follow below.

Getting to know the Brasil Sorridente Program

O Smiling Brazil Program was created in 2004, with the aim of improving the smile of Brazilians, promoting prevention actions and basic treatment.

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Furthermore, the program has 23.150 professionals scattered in 4.971 counties reaching 89.2% of municipalities.

Being the largest oral health program with a thousand dental centers with about 80 million Brazilians catered for of all ages providing the service by Health Unic System aimed at low-income people.

Services performed by the Project

The services offered by the program are:

  • extractions
  • fluoride application
  • caries treatment
  • removal of wisdom teeth
  • Biopsies
  • Surgeries
  • oral exams
  • cleanings
  • Dental implants
  • restorations
  • free dental braces

Understand the importance of dental implants

It is understood that there are no problems with good oral health and thus have a better quality of life, such as performing daily functions such as: eating, sleeping and talking.

And even with more 300 thousand dental professionals, we obtain a high rate of people who do not consult a dentist regularly, because according to a survey by the Ministry of Health the percentage arrives 55,6% of Brazilians, revealing that many even lose their teeth needing dental implant.

The cause that reveals this problem is that in the past access was more limited, making it difficult to go to the dentist, thus obtaining the option of performing the extraction as a solution.


How to register and perform the dental implant by SUS

To register and carry out your dental implant fur SUS, access the website Smiling Brazil, but first identify if your city is participating in the program in this way, register or look for a Basic health Unit closest to your residence, taking your SUS card and talk to an attendant for more information.

Once approved, you will undergo a consultation with the doctor who will assess your case of dental implant, after the evaluation, you will be referred to a specialist, which may take 30 to 90 days to be scheduled and then the professional will check your degree of urgency and will send you to a waiting list, with exams requested to perform the procedure.

free dental implant

Patients who have lost a tooth due to an accident and this is causing problems in their health will have priority in the program.


To participate in the program, visit the website smiling Brazil and complete your registration to have your orthodontic treatment or be able to go to the Basic Health Unit.

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