Bolsa Familia: New Payment and Registration value by Phone

The social program of Family Scholarship, is a measure created by the federal government in the early 2000s, during the Lula government, the program consists of transferring direct income from the nation to the Brazilian population that is in poverty and extreme poverty, as a way of helping this portion of the population going through this period, trying guarantee basic and fundamental rights Like for example health and education.

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With that in mind, today we bring you the benefit payment schedule, like this enroll in the program. Check out the step-by-step below.

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Bolsa Família payment schedule

was made available Bolsa Familia payment schedule, as usual the criterion for payment remains the final NIS number. It is worth mentioning that the emergency aid benefit will be paid to various beneficiaries of the Family Scholarship.

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The population participating in the Bolsa Família program, You can even check if you will receive Emergency Aidl, will be paid only 1 of the benefits, according to the law, will be paid the highest value benefit. Check the social program's complete payment schedule below.

how to register in the program
Source: Caixa Econômica Federal

Registration in the Bolsa Familia by phone

During the pandemic period, the registration in CadÚnico – Single Registration can be done or updated by phone or app, as a way for the population to avoid crowds and protect themselves from the pandemic caused by covid-19. According to the Ministry of Citizenship, these measures remain active for as long as the pandemic lasts in Brazil.

Therefore, call CRAS of your municipality or the one closest to your residence and complete or update your registration.

New value of Bolsa Família

According to the federal government, there will be an increase in the benefit paid to beneficiaries of the social program, the new amounts will reach more than R$ 200.00 reais.

Who can participate?

to participate in Family Scholarship, the family must have a monthly income per person of up to R$ 178.00 reais, and have children or adolescents from 0 to 17 years old in the Family composition.


In case of doubt, or for more information, visit the website of Federal Savings Bank.

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