How to make the virtual SUS card by cell phone

The Ministry of Health developed the virtual SUS card with a means of making it easier for the population to always be with the card, only that virtually, however, many times people go to the doctor and end up forgetting to put the card inside their purse, having to return later for the due consultation protocols.

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As many Brazilians are always connected and hardly forget their smartphone, however this would be the way to ensure that they do not forget the document, thus allowing users to administer exams, medications, vaccines, among other information, doing all this without leaving home and guaranteeing free the document online.

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What you need to know before applying for the SUS Card Online

For citizens who wish to have the document online, it is necessary to be registered on the website of the Federal government, thus being able to do it online providing some mandatory information regarding your data such as CPF.

Learn how to apply for the SUS Card Online

O SUS card online It can be done either through the website or the app. Connect SUS, both of which are chosen by the user. Then we'll show you how to have the card accessing the Internet.

First step: Enter the website Connect SUS;

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Second step: After the page loads, locate the button "Log in" in the center and click;

Third step: if you have the Login, browse by typing your CPF, but if you don't have it, register and manage your account;

Fourth step: carefully read the information projected on the screen, and if you agree, touch the button "Authorize" to proceed;

Fifth step: at the top of the page Connect SUS, locate in the right corner below the yellow icon and click;

Sixth Step: you will see on the page the image of SUS card, then tap the right corner above the icon to Download your document. After the Download it will be made available in “png”.

Seventh step: however with the visualization of the card in the same page the QR code for your identification. Now you already have yours SUS card simply and easily.

Although they realized how this innovation helped us to be very practical, everything being done online without having to go to an emergency room, searching their smartphone or on your computer for more information.

Advantages of the Digital SUS card

  • Schedule appointment at SUS: being able to schedule appointments through the application, ensuring that the patient saves dates for medical appointments.
  • Perform pressure control and blood glucose measurement: it is possible to register day-to-day information to monitor the respective changes that may occur.
Digital SUS Card
  • Supervise queues for transplantation in the SUS: before this it is possible to find out more information about the progress of the organ donation queue.
  • Information inspection: when registering, the user may be entering extremely important information such as whether he has allergies, whether he uses continuous medication and providing emergency contact information.


To register and obtain the SUS Card online access Connect SUS or download and install the app on Google Play store and app store.

In case of doubt and for more information, visit the website of Ministry of Health.

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