Buy auction house at the best price

Popular wisdom says that the best opportunities to buy a property they occur when a homeowner needs to make money quickly, usually because of some past-due or near-due debt.

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However, these opportunities are rare and are usually passed on to a broker or real estate agent who already has a list of investors with cash available for this type of investment.

In fact, there are dozens of opportunities like these every day available to anyone, regardless of the amount of capital available, through a mechanism that scares and attracts at the same time: The real estate auctions.

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check out how to buy auction house.

What is a real estate auction?

One auction it's a kind of negotiation in which one merchandise is sold at a specific date and time to the buyer offering the best price within this rule of auction specific.

You auctions are performed by auctioneers, generally Specialized professionals on the subject and qualified to do so, and can be carried out in person at a predetermined date, time and place.

Or more and more commonly, online, with the entire process being carried out over the internet, from the release of the auction, collection of bids until completion.

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To a large extent, the real estate auctions happen because the immobile It is sold to pay off debts. The origin of this debt will determine the auction type and therefore the details of the auction and the possession of immobile traded.

Due to the need to prioritize liquidity when choosing a auction, you properties in auction they are often sold at a discount of about 50% off the appraised value, as is believed.

What are the types of real estate auctions?

there are four types of auctions:

  • Justice
  • Extrajudicial
  • private
  • public

You court auctions are carried out by judges based on the results of ongoing legal proceedings, both ordinary and special cases.

The origin of this process will determine some details of the auction. Notifications from auction bring a series of details directly related to the process itself, such as evaluations and minimums to be applied by the first and second parties, auction details, etc.

Stakeholders should look into many other details such as ownership conditions, potential embargoes or other lawsuits, etc.

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already the auctions extrajudicial are auctions that occur without the need for legal proceedings, usually as a result of the execution of a debt guaranteed by one or more properties in a fiduciary assignment agreement previously signed between the parties.


You auctions private and public occur when a company or public body, respectively, decides to sell certain properties through this form of negotiation. They are common in many commodities but relatively rare in real estate.

How to participate in a real estate auction?

Anyone over the age of 18 can participate in the auction, just register with the auctioneer responsible and be able to bid on the lot of interest.

Registration is usually done completely online, with filling out forms and sending supporting documents such as RG, CPF, proof of address, etc.

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Once the data and documents are provided, the registration will be completed in hours or days, depending on the auctioneer.

After registration, you must apply for authorization for each auction in which you want to participate. The process is very quick and includes an email or phone call to request a license.

Then just follow the auction and bid.


There are several auctioneers for the search of a immobile for auction. One of them is the website Property Auction, where it does the heavy lifting, just filter the search to your liking.

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