Online pregnancy test on mobile

Over the years, the technology advanced a lot, so many apps were created and developed to provide users with simple, useful and convenient services.

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Among the many apps, highlights the women's health, where you will find apps for menstrual control, medication reminders and much more, including online pregnancy tests.

In this article we will give you relevant and very important information about the application "How to know if I'm pregnant".

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to know more about online pregnancy test see how to download and how to use application below. Learn more about online pregnancy test on mobile.

"How to know if I'm pregnant" app

O “How to know if I'm pregnant” app was developed to answer questions from women regarding the possibility of pregnancy.

Because it is a dummy test, it only generates results faster and in a more practical way. keep learning how to take the test online.

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Learn how to take an online pregnancy test

O test is completely virtual, therefore, the results are based on the responses selected by the user of the application in the initial questionnaire.

The questions included in test check the symptoms that the pregnant women may experience, such as persistent nausea, breast tenderness, and menstruation late.

O application it's one more quiz game with 15 questions. Therefore, candidates must be very honest when answering the questions so as not to make mistakes.

It is very simple and practical, just answer the “yes” or “no” questions. Results are based on the number of questions answered “yes” and the number of questions answered “no”.

For example, if the number of questions answered “yes” is 7 or more, the chance of pregnancy is much higher. However, if you answer “no” more times than you answer “yes”, it is more likely that you are not pregnant.

After completing the questionnaire, the application will generate a report notifying you about the possibility of pregnancy.

But this result is not official and requires the guidance from a doctor and others exams to determine the official pregnancy result.

The importance of online pregnancy tests

Currently, most women do not go to the hospital or even look for a quick test when they start to show some symptoms such as irregular menstruation or nausea because they only suspect and end up thinking it's a false alarm.

Therefore, the “How to Know If I'm Pregnant” app was developed as a tool to clarify and resolve doubts and bring certainty, thus reducing the burden on the user.

The main purpose of the application

“Apps to track pregnancy on your cell phone”

THE tool was designed to answer questions from women ASAP. The questions included in application are related to early symptoms and behaviors, such as the use of condoms.


And through the results obtained, indicating the possibility of pregnancy, it is worth remembering that if you have any doubts during the test, do a physical exam for more specific and official results.

Take a pregnancy test online


To download the application, just access the Google Play Store.

Now that you know how to perform the online pregnancy test, share with your female friends to know too.

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