Buy IRS Auction Video Game

participate in a video game auction from the Federal Revenue Service, it is definitely a great opportunity to buy your video game at extremely low prices. In this sense, there are several lots containing table consoles as Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch.

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Thinking about it, we know that paying the full price of a video game, is very expensive, and out of the budget, for the standard of many Brazilians. So, have you ever thought about buying one? Playstation 4 for R$ 700 reais🇧🇷 Much more affordable isn't it? shopping at auction of the Recipe, it is very common to find this video game for that price.

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Next, see how buy these video games, participating in the auction.

How does the Videogame Auction work?

As a routine, the Federal Revenue video game auction, consists of equipment and goods seized by the Revenue. The products must be purchased by an individual (for their own use), or by a legal entity if you have a CNPJ (in this case you can resell the video games if you want).

Furthermore, we have to mention that the withdrawal of video game, it is on behalf of the bidder, as the Federal Revenue does not have a delivery system. Also remembering that ICMS is also charged on the value of the video game, therefore, be attentive to the values and criteria for the participation of the auction.

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Among the highlights, it is possible to highlight lots that have modern video games, as Play 4, Play 5, where the video games are auctioned from R$ 700 reais.

Therefore, it is quite common to find the following video games:

  • 1 terabyte Playstation 4;
  • Xbox one;
  • Xbox 360 500 GB;
  • 500GB Slim PS3;
  • 1 terabyte Xbox Series X;
  • Playstation 5 1 terabyte.
  • Nintendo Switch.

The interesting thing is that the auctions are not just for the video games itself, but also accessories such as controls, games, steering wheels for racing games, gamer chair, etc.

How to participate in the Video Game Auction?  

In order to participate, it is necessary that you (individual or legal entity) have your federal taxes up to date. Furthermore, you must have a digital certificate which can be requested on the portal e-CAC.

In this sense, it is also important to be aware of the deadlines for placing your bids. In this way, the biggest and best proposals, in each batch or video game, will compete for bids in a virtual room on the Federal Revenue website.

Playstation 4 up for auction

O video game auction must be withdrawn in person within 30 days. According to the IRS, the value of video game must be paid in full by the first business day following the closing date.

Another option is the payment of 20% for the equipment until the next business day, as a way to “insure” the video game, and pay the other electronic 80% within 8 calendar days, counted from the day of the winning bid.


To request your digital certificate, access the portal e-CAC, to stay inside auction notices, visit the website of IRS.  

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