IRS Video Game Auction

Are you thinking of switching video game? Do you want to purchase a newest model? Your child won't stop asking you for one Playstation, Xbox or Nintendo new? Know that there is an option to find these table consoles, in video game auction from the Federal Revenue.

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Today, we know that buying equipment electronics, is something very expensive, often something outside the budget of the Brazilian citizen. In traditional stores, such as or Casas Bahia, usually a Playstation 4 costs around R$ 3 thousand reais.

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In that sense, buying a video game at IRS auction, becomes something very viable, because it is common to find Playstation 4 to R$ 700 reais, among the batches of auction, even, if you research well, you can come even with some games.

With that in mind, you can save R$ 2,300 reais, not to mention that, R$ 700 reais, fits in your pocket, for being a much more accessible price to the reality of Brazil.

About the IRS

THE IRS is a public body, which is linked to the Ministry of Finance. The Internal Revenue Service is part of the daily life of Brazilian citizens, through its agencies and federal revenue offices.

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Among its attributions are administration and inspection of federal taxes; customs control; combating different types of crimes.

How do Video Games go to auction?

You video games that are placed in auction, are seized by the IRS in two ways.

  1. Often tourists visit other countries, and bring equipment electronics from there, it happens that many times this luggage exceeds the allowed value, and the Federal Revenue collects taxes and duties, on the video games, on many occasions, the tourist leaves the video game at the IRS posts, and then, the video game goes to auction.
  2. On other occasions, the Federal Revenue, together with the police forces of Brazil, dismantles smuggling schemes of video games and electronics, these devices go to auction also.

Quality in which video games they are

In that case, you can rest assured, the vast majority of video games, are inside the box, and have never been used, it is definitely, new equipment.

Between the video games, are equipment such as: Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch, among many other equipment.

Federal Revenue auction

Another point is that the participants of the Federal Revenue's auction can check the equipment by video call, or by recorded videos, where it is possible to verify the real state of the video game

How to participate in the Video Game Auction?

to participate in auction from the IRS, first of all, you must register on the portal e-CAC, within the Revenue website itself.

In this moment of pandemic in which we live, it is not possible to carry out auctions face-to-face, therefore, video game auctions take place in online format through the portal of IRS.

It is important to mention that the Internal Revenue Service does not have a delivery service for video games purchased at auction. Therefore, the buyer must be aware, that he will have to go to a Federal Revenue Office, to pick up his dreamed new video game.

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