Conar files lawsuit against Gusttavo Lima for live with alcoholic beverages

This week, Conar, which is the National Council for Advertising Self-Regulation, opened an ethical process against advertising actions under the responsibility of Ambev (sponsoring brewery) due to Gustavo Lima's live.

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second iExtra newspaper information, from the O Globo Group, the representation was opened based on complaints received from dozens of consumers, who considered that advertising actions lack the care recommended by the Brazilian Code of Advertising Self-Regulation for the advertising of alcoholic beverages.

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Another interesting detail of the complaint is that it cites the lack of a mechanism for restricting access to the content of lives for minors and the repeated presentation of beer intake, potentially encouraging irresponsible consumption of the product.

Conar abre processo contra Gusttavo Lima por live com bebidas alcoólicas

Lives of celebrities have been taking place around the world

But we know he wasn't the only one to do it, right? Currently, due to the new coronavirus crisis, investment by singers in lives, full of sponsorships, is a reflection of the moment in which society lives, as a form of prevention against the coronavirus.

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In addition, Conar also sought to highlight the innovative advertising formats, but considers that “it must be reconciled with the fundamental principles of commercial communication in the segment, with the responsible disclosure of alcoholic beverages and without weakening care so that it is not disseminated to children and adolescents”.

Conar said that there is no date for the trial.

Ambev recognized that in some previous lives the recommendations were not followed, but it is reinforcing all the norms with sponsored artists.

However, Conar recognizes that the lives of singers and artists have taken on a relevant and innovative role in keeping people indoors and providing entertainment.

With that, they promote the initiative against crowding, and people now have something to entertain themselves in their homes, but we know that this complicates with these procedural issues.

In addition, Conar said that in some lives, completely spontaneously, some guidelines were not followed by the singers.

The sector clarified that it is enforcing the rules given this new context of virtual entertainment and we are more than ever committed to the responsible consumption of our products.

Finally, friends, it is worth remembering that the live is owned by the artist, often held at his home, which represents a challenge.

Gustavo Lima's official response to Conar

The Cantor tried not to speak openly about the subject, but preferred to say that there are people who prefer to criticize, instead of observing what he, and other colleagues, have collected for good deeds.

Source: Extra Newspaper

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