Deaths from coronavirus triple in Ecuador, health system goes into crisis

The new coronavirus has devastated several countries, and the public system in our neighboring country Ecuador has already collapsed. The city of Guayaquil said in an official statement that “There is no space for the living or the dead”, the city has already become the major epicenter of the disease throughout the country.

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Before the article continues talking about the situation in Ecuador, we need to ask a rhetorical question: are you doing your part to contain the new coronavirus pandemic? Well, don't let this happen again in Brazil.

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The images that were released this week, about the situation in Ecuador, simply shocked the world, we will not reproduce them here, because we do not want to spread despair or contribute to social panic, but we do want to warn everyone in Brazil, that it's not easy what we're living.

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Death covid-19 Ecuador – updates

One of the most talked about topics this week has been the situation in Ecuador. The country's cemeteries, which is worth remembering is one of the most affected by the coronavirus pandemic in Latin America, had to use excavators to help open mass graves and speed up the burial of those killed by the disease.

The case is happening in the city of Guayaquil, which is the city that has become the great epicenter of the virus in the country.

The mayor of the municipality, Cynthia Viteri, confirmed at an official local press conference that the country has arrived in such a dire situation that there is no longer room for either the living or the dead in the region.

Viteri, the city's current mayor, highlighted that her government is “living a war against a still invisible enemy” for which it was not prepared, while the rate of confirmed cases in the city continues to grow. Even the country registered 4,077 of the 7,603 infected nationally.

What do official reports say about covid-19?

As per disclosure, official reports from the Risk Management Secretariat indicate that so far only 124 people would have died from Covid-19 in Guayaquil.

According to the mayor, however, these numbers "are not real", as there are not enough tests in the country to determine whether or not people have been infected by the disease.

Anyway, all we can do is stay at home and wait for new news, right? And for that, stay tuned to our portal, every day we bring here everything that is happening in the world about the coronavirus!

Source: Forum Magazine

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