Federal Police Contest: Open Notice

Hello concurseiro, you will provide the Federal Police contest in 2021, be aware that due to the pandemic, the tests were postponed until May, thinking on the bright side, it's more time for you to study and plan yourself with regards to travel and accommodation.

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This previous postponement is a relief, as the tension of the candidates is in the possibility of the test being postponed at the last minute, (as unfortunately happened with the candidates, who were going to take the test of the Civil Police of Paraná).

About the PF contest 

O PF contest will offer 1,500 immediate vacancies for the most diverse positions, among them are Federal Police Agent; Papilloscopist, Delegate and Registrar. A Cebraspe, old Cespe, is in charge of organizing the public tender. Salaries vary depending on the position, below check the remuneration and the number of vacancies for each position:

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  • Federal Police Officer

Number of Vacancies: 893

Starting Salary: R$12,522.50

  • Federal Police Clerk

Number of vacancies: 400

Starting Salary: R$12,522.50

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  • Papilloscopist of the Federal Police

Number of vacancies: 84

Starting Salary: R$12,522.50

  • Federal Police Chief

Number of vacancies: 123

Starting Salary: R$23,692.74

Therefore, the positions have a workday of 40 hours per week. O contest It has vacancies reserved for black candidates and also PwD candidates, following the laws and forecasts of the country.

Entries for the contest are closed

Although the application of the test was postponed, registration remained closed, as published in the announcement, registration was finalized on February 11, 2021. To register, candidates had to pay a fee between R$180 and R$250 reais, self declared as low-income, were exempt from paying the fee.

Maximum age to take the Federal Police test

Finally, to provide proof of PF, and if nominated, can assume the position, the candidate must pay attention to some mandatory conditions and specifications. Among them is the variable, age, the candidate must be at least 18 years old, and at most 65 years old, (compulsory retirement age for police officers).

Stages of the public tender of the Federal Police 

Firstly, the concurseiros that lend to proof of PF will go through two stages:

In this sense, in the first phase, there will be an objective and discursive test, TAF (physical aptitude), medical evaluation, psychological evaluation and social investigation, for some positions there are specific stages, the position of delegate has an oral test and proof of titles, and the position clerk has typing practice test.

Federal Police Contest 2021

Then, the second stage is training at the National Police Academy, as a professional training course.

New contest dates

Likewise, as mentioned above, the contest was postponed due to the pandemic, so the new forecast for the objective and discursive test is that they will be applied on May 23, 2021.

Who can provide the Federal Police test

In conclusion, to provide proof of PF, the candidate must comply with all the rules set forth in the announcement, in addition, he must have Brazilian or Portuguese nationality, have a degree (college) in any area, as long as it is recognized by the MEC, have a type B driver's license, and have at least 18 years and a maximum of 65 years.


However, for more information, and in case of doubt, you can contact the examining board by phone (61) 3448-0100 or through the website of the Cebraspe.

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PRF Contest: Open Notice