Corona Extra Cerveja is now also a “victim” of the new coronavirus 12-04-2020

The best of Brazil is the Brazilian, who doesn't know that phrase? Because one of the most talked about subjects at the moment is the Corona brand, whose name refers to the solar corona in Spanish and has nothing to do with the virus, it is the third most popular beer in the USA

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Well, folks, the meme professionals don't let anything go unnoticed, not even the new coronavirus, a serious problem we are all facing, was left out of being the target of “joking,” it now has an unexpected victim: one of the beers most popular in the world.

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On this Easter Sunday, Corona beer became the target of memes and videos shared on social media with the highest number of victims of the virus worldwide.

Corona Extra Cerveja é também é “vítima” de coronavírus

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Corona Extra beer – and the new Coronavirus pandemic

If you look now at the data on the rise of Internet searches for “corona beer virus” and “beer coronavirus” you will surely notice Corona (the company's brand name) will be one of the first choices.

The data show that Mexican beer has not been able to escape the association. So-called purchase intent among US adults has fallen to a two-year low, according to YouGov data.

The impact of the new coronavirus has worsened in Brazil in recent days with an increase in infections, therefore, causing deaths in the country to double and exceed 1,000 dead.

As we reported earlier, the US is the biggest center of the pandemic worldwide. For that reason, shares of Constellation Brands, maker of Corona beer, plunged 8% this week in New York.

Finally, the Corona Brand Perception Score – which tracks whether adults in the US who are aware of the brand have heard positive or negative things about it – has dropped to 51 from a peak of 75 at the start of the year, according to YouGov.

In addition, our recommendations: if you can, stay home!!

Stay safe! Save lives!

Trabalhador pode enviar atestado pela internet para auxílio-doença

Workers can send a certificate online for sick pay

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MT: Soybeans behind 15% increase in March exports 12-04-2020