Real estate credit – know the minimum income to finance a property

Real estate credit is one of the most sought after by Brazilians who dream of buying their apartment or house. But we know that this is not easy in Brazil, as the country is still going through a complicated financial situation, however, do not despair, we have excellent suggestions for you to get the best credit with the best facilities.

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We separate a series of objective questions and answers for those who are looking for an easier way to obtain real estate credit.

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All the information below was checked on the official websites of the banks mentioned here. But it is important to say that our Digital Seguro portal brings the latest information on credit, financing and much more on a daily basis! So stay tuned!

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Crédito imobiliário - saiba qual a renda miníma 26-fevereiro-2020

What is the minimum income to have real estate credit for financing?

In this case, let's assume that you decide to finance a property worth R$ 190 thousand, 100% financed and with a maximum term of 20 years. According to data on the Central Bank website, the installment amount will be around R$ 1 thousand per month and the minimum family income should be approximately R$6 thousand. (That is until 2019.)

What is the minimum down payment to finance a property?

Maybe it's the most frequently asked question here on our website, Well, but here we go: guys, the average is 30% of the property value (official information) . This calculation is in accordance with the declared income, as the installment must not exceed 30% of your monthly income. Now, on the other hand, financing carried out by Caixa Econômica Federal, the minimum down payment for the purchase of a property is 10.

What do I need to finance a property?

  • Check the real status of your CPF.
  • Move your account monthly.
  • Have an account at the bank where you will apply for credit for financing.
  • Always receive your payments in the account you want to apply for credit.
  • Check your score monthly.
  • Gather the necessary documentation.
  • Always do market research!

What is the easiest finance to approve financing?

If you choose to finance your property through retail – that is, large banks such as Bradesco, Itaú or Banco do Brasil – you will be subject to higher interest rates in the market. Based on the updated Central Bank report, Banco Bradesco is the one that offers the best interest rates for both home loans and car loans.

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