Learn how to do a simulation to get a real estate loan online

Real estate credit is one of the most desired things among many Brazilians who dream of having their own home, however, many people are unable to get approval for the dreamed real estate credit.

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Faced with the difficulties that are usually due to the fact that their names are on the SPC or Serasa, many people are unable to have this credit approved.

However, there are ways for you to get this approval and it is about these ways that you need to know, one of them is the simulation of a financing proposal, check out everything you need to know about real estate credit below

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Saiba como simular o crédito imobiliário online 07-Março-2020

Where to get real estate credit with low interest?

But as we said at the beginning of this article, real estate credit is one of the most desired things among many Brazilians, and low interest real estate credit is even harder to find.

First, we want to answer one of the questions that many people ask us:

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Is there a way to get low interest credit for negatives?

We cannot say with 100% for sure yes, or no. This for a simple reason, each bank operates in different ways, therefore, the approval of a real estate loan will depend more on your profile directly with the bank than precisely your name is or is not negative by credit protection agencies.

Low interest real estate credit – which is the best bank?

Last week Caixa launched a special credit for its customers, we speak in this article here, if you want to know more information. However, the big question remains: is this credit really cheaper on the market?

However, the only way for you to know this is to do an online mortgage simulation. In the box portal itself, you will find a link available for you to do a simulation of your credit.

What other banks do you recommend for doing credit simulation?

We, from the Digital Seguro portal, always recommend the bank that you have a relationship of trust with, but if this is not your case, you can do a simulation at the banks: Santander, Bradesco and Itau,  they all have credit lines that are at least interesting.

Anyway, you can also do a credit simulation with our Digital Seguro calculator, see an example below and do your simulation.

Saiba como simular o crédito imobiliário online 07-março-2020




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