Layoffs with the Coronavirus Crisis Reach 70,000 Employees in Campo Grande

The retail sectors are starting to feel a slowdown in trade during the pandemic, and the covid-19 crisis, the impact tends to be increasingly negative, leading to layoffs of workers.

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In Campo Grande, the CDL (Chamber of Shopkeepers) developed a survey of the moment, and the results are surprising, in the Capital at least 70 thousand workers, already dismissed in the retail sector. In Mato Grosso do Sul they can reach 20% of total employees.

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Demissões Com Crise Do Coronavírus Chegam A 70 Mil Funcionários Em Campo Grande 04 de abril de 2020

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However, retail employment registered before the pandemic crisis, a total of 320 thousand people. In the first fortnight of March, the drops in jpa sales amounted to 50%. With the big drop, on the 19th, the doors of the shops closed after the measure of the City Hall. As well as the fight against invite-19 and social isolation.

Layoffs in retail trade in Campo Grande

According to Adelaido Vila, president of the Campo Grande CDL, we are going through a difficult time. For example, with the large numbers of layoffs, entrepreneurs are not getting the funding proposed by the Federal Government. Credit makes it difficult for entrepreneurs, the only way out is the dismissal of employees.

It is already said that after the reopening of shops, the numbers may be even greater. However, the reopening is being proposed for the next day (6). The first to be fired are temporary workers, or those who have been with the company for less time. Although there is no guarantee that the trade will return to work, around 25% of these employees have already been laid off. Dismissals should also occur with companies that have 40 to 50 employees, which is difficult to maintain in this scenario.

On the other hand, it is difficult to predict the number of exact layoffs, and there may be different behaviors in the commercial sectors, what guarantees is around 25% to 30% of layoffs, but according to Sebrae 38% manages to maintain for a month and 57% need loans.



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