Financial planning tips to help SPC debtors

Having a financial plan is the first step you should take to start paying off your debts. Maybe you argue: first I need to have money, then plan, but it's not like that! According to scholars on the subject, you need to have a strategy first, to then start paying.

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The latest data from Serasa showed that there are more than 60 million people who have negative names, especially in this period of coronavirus that the world is going through.

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This is very bad data, it shows how people are getting into higher and higher debts. However, today you will learn some precious tips that will certainly help you in this arduous task.

Dicas de planejamento financeiro 26-fevereiro-2020

Financial planning for those who need to organize themselves financially.

Maybe you start thinking about how much you earn, but most experts say you need to be clear in your mind what you do with what you earn. If all your money goes into your personal accounts, or if you spend it on frills.

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Many people say: I need to save money, however, the vast majority do not. They can't save or just spend.

Other important financial planning advice

  • Always try to keep track of your expenses and income.
  • In a spreadsheet, put how much your monthly income is and what your monthly fixed expenses are. …
  • Compare prices for products and services. …
  • Use your credit card strategically.
  • Set goals and objectives. …

Who is the great villain of our debts?

Many answer this question like the credit card, or the lack of money and the need to take out a loan. However, this is not what research reveals. The big problem, or better saying, our big villain is consumerism. Our desire to always want something new, to be part of a status.

Yes, the lack of money is the result of a snowball debt, however, we have to be responsible for our actions, we need to value our work sweat.

So what should I do to pay off my debts quickly?

First, bear in mind: I will pay! As? Analyze your possibilities, conditions and run after to make it possible. Are you unemployed? Don't despair, there are ways you can get around this.

Make spreadsheets, spend only what is necessary, cut "rolls", and be determined with your purpose.

Anyway, decide to organize and plan your life at once”

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Source: Economic value

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