In Brasilia, the number of coronavirus cases drops to 468 06-04-2020

Coronavirus has already arrived in Brasilia with more speed than previously thought, now the number of cases has taken a leap that no one expected, check out the updated information about this new pandemic below.

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According to official information from the health department of Brasilia, the region concentrates the highest proportion per 100,000 inhabitants. A survey carried out by technicians points to 13 new cases in the last 24 hours in the Federal District; see swing.

This week alone, the government of the Federal District (GDF) reported that, until the afternoon of last Sunday (5), there were 468 confirmed cases of the new coronavirus in the capital.

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According to the secretary's balance sheet, 14 new notifications were identified in the last 24 hours, but everything indicates that this number is much higher, as many people who have common symptoms do not go to the doctor.

Em Brasilia, o número de casos do coronavírus sob para 468 06-04-2020

The Brasilia Health Secretariat reported that this week the number of recovered patients rose to 147. Of the total infections, 330 are mild, 44 moderate and 15 are considered serious. Seven people died from the worsening of the disease.

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About the victims of the coronavirus in Brasilia

The Health Department also reported that the latest victim of the new coronavirus was a 67-year-old man who lived in Plano Piloto. The elderly man had been hospitalized at Hospital Santa Lúcia, in Asa Sul, since March 26. However, it is worth mentioning that he had diabetes and hypertension.

As far as is known, according to the official information, the south lake It is the region with the highest incidence of the disease. Therefore, the proportion considers Covid-19 numbers per 100,000 inhabitants. According to data from the Planning Company (Codeplan), residents of the region concentrate the highest per capita income in the DF: R$ 6.5 thousand

Considering the proportion by inhabitants, comes the Southwest and the Octagonal. The regions also occupy second place in the ranking of household income: R$ 6.1 thousand per household.

Top coronavirus deaths

When the new virus arrived in Brasilia, we know that the first death recorded by Covid-19 in the capital was that of a 61-year-old nurse. She died on March 23, but the diagnosis was only confirmed by the Health Department six days later.

As everywhere in the world, the virus did not stop, and soon after, it is known that the second case was confirmed on Monday (30). This is a 77-year-old man who was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of Hospital Brasília. He died on Sunday (29).

Finally, in the Federal District, the third case was confirmed on Tuesday (31), it is a 73-year-old man. He had been hospitalized at Hospital Santa Lúcia since March 21.

And now we already have a continuous increase in contamination, so stay at home, only go out for basic needs.

Anyway, liked: Then share with friends!

Source: Health Department of the Federal District


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