In São Paulo, squares remain crowded even with the isolation decree

Even with a very high number of deaths around the world, many Brazilians are not respecting social isolation, they continue to gather, crowding squares, supermarkets, as if nothing was happening in the world

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Unfortunately, this new situation is worrying in some states such as São Paulo, which records 9.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

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It has already been proven that, in fact, social isolation is fundamental at this time. “Walking on the street, you can do it as long as you are alone, that you don't meet other people.

In an exclusive interview with the press, the infectologist at Hospital Albert Sabin said that if everyone decides to walk on the street, we will not be able to isolate. So the purpose of isolation is for you to go out only for essential activities.

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People are not afraid, they are used to barbarism, to seeing death every day in their homes, on television, everywhere, this is undoubtedly one of the reasons for non-compliance with the quarantine in Brazil.

Em SP ruas e praças permanecem lotadas mesmo com decreto de isolamento

For example, the G1 portal revealed that the stores in Largo 13 were closed, but there was a lot of movement for a closed trade day. At Praça Vinícius de Moraes, in Morumbi, there were a lot of people exercising. It is not prohibited, but it has to be done keeping a distance between people.

Complicated situation in São Paulo

The correct thing, for those who cannot stay at home, is to stay at least two meters away from people as much as possible.

For example, in São Paulo, in the communities on Avenida Roberto Marinho, shops were open, a group of men was drinking on the sidewalk, in one of the squares, a group of people was eating at a snack stall. Clothing stores and hairdressing salons, which were supposed to be closed, were operating normally.

On Avenida do Estado de São Paulo, there was a soccer championship on a court behind Museu Catavento. The teams were even uniformed and cheered.

In the registry office of the Health region, in the South Zone, which took several measures to avoid crowds, such as access control and the use of masks, seven weddings were canceled, but 19 couples did not give up the date.

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