Jobs in MS: Funtrab Starts March Offering 441 Vacancies

Namely, the first week of March starts with 441 job opportunities in Mato Grosso do Sul. However, this Monday (02.03) Fundação do Trabalho will select and forward candidates for vacancies at different levels of education.

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Except in the Capital, there are 123 spaces between conventional and exclusive for people with disabilities (PwD). There is opportunities for rural workers, nursing technicians, elderly caregivers, carpenters, cooks, restaurant managers, finalists, among others.

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Emprego Em MS: Funtrab Inicia Março Oferecendo 441 Vagas 03 de março de 2020

Vacancies Municipalities

Although the interior of the state has vacancies in the following municipalities: Costa Rica (68), Dourados (40), Sonora (40), Bataguassu (21), Rio Verde de MT (20), São Gabriel Do Oeste (15), Três Lagoas (14), Ponta Porã (13), Aquidauana (12), Nova Andradina (10), Sidrolândia (9), Caarapó (8), Cassilândia (8), Guia Lopes da Laguna (7), Naviraí (7), Coxim (5), Corumbá (4), Ivinhema (4), Jardim (4), Maracaju (4), Miranda (2), Batayporã (1), Nova Alvorada do Sul (1) and Paranaíba (1).

Therefore, the largest number of vacancies offered in the Casa do Trabalhador units in the interior of the State are for the functions of administrative assistant, security guard, production line assistant, truck driver, agricultural assistant, production line assistant, works, road bus driver, English teacher and diesel engine mechanic.

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Those interested in the functions offered for Campo Grande, should contact Funtrab at Rua 13 de Maio, n° 2.773, Centro, from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm. Inside, candidates should look for a unit of the Casa do Trabalhador. To participate in the selection, it is necessary to present personal documents such as RG, CPF and Work Card.

in Campo Grande

Campo Grande, search through the Foundation, nursing technician, elderly caregiver, restaurant manager, finalist, cook and carpenter.

Although in the interior of the State, vacancies are offered through the Casa do Trabalhador in each municipality. In Dourados, 40 places are offered. Highlight opportunities for diesel engine mechanic.

Costa Rica has 68 being offered, among which are the opportunities for: administrative assistant, with 25 vacancies.

Sonora also has a lot of vacancies, 40 opportunities. Of these, 18 to assist in agriculture.

Bataguassu has 21 opportunities, 20 of which are for the position of production line assistant.

Therefore, in the units of the Casa do Trabalhador in the interior of the State, vacancies are still offered for English teachers.

Those interested in bidding in Campo Grande should look for Funtrab at Rua 13 de Maio, n° 2773, Centro, from 7:30 am to 5:30 pm.

In short inside, candidates should look for a unit of the Casa do Trabalhador employment. To participate in the selection, it is necessary to present personal documents such as RG, CPF and Work Card. Funtrab also clarifies that vacancies are rotating and can be filled at any time without prior notice.

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