Serasa eCred Low Score Loan

In the present day living a pandemic, it is understandable that people go through financial troubles in their personal budgets. Therefore, according to the current situation, many families need assistance and credit lines to maintain their family's basic consumption or even provide for their personal dignity.

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Going against this, Serasa developed an option for this part of the population, thinking about it, today we brought Serasa eCred, an easy and fast line of credit, where you can request personal loan and credit card.

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About Serasa eCred

O Serasa eCred works like a credit market, that is, in practice it is like a virtual shopping mall, in which the customer has access to a range of options and offers, both in terms of loans and credit cards, these options are offered by several partner companies, For example, banks, fintechs and other financial companies, among these partner companies, we can highlight Itaú, Banco Pan and BV, it is worth noting that Serasa eCred is operated and belongs to Serasa SA, a company founded in 1968.

Advantages of Serasa eCred Personal Loan and Credit Card

The fees are low, starting at 0.75% per month and credit cards have several benefits, the credit simulation is free and unlimited, so you can simulate and compare as many times as necessary, and of course, you don't have to pay anything for that.

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In case of approval, your money will be in the account within 48 hours, and following the general data protection law, Serasa ensures the security and privacy of your information. Serasa eCred has already carried out 8,359 million orders, R$354 million of credit enabled, and 840,000 credit cards have already been issued.

personal loan and credit card Serasa eCred

It is worth remembering that the client undergoes a prior credit analysis, and the deadlines are subject to the working days of the procedures. Therefore, the customer will not necessarily have an approved credit or card.

How to apply for personal credit or credit card?  

In conclusion, the application procedure is very simple, just complete your profile on the Serasa eCred, see, compare and analyze the options and finally get your credit in no time.

At Serasa eCred, you can request different types of credit, from personal loan (you can use as you prefer); payroll loan (in case the client is a pensioner or retiree, the credit can be made without a guarantor); secured loan (being the most effective way to obtain large amounts at lower rates); credit card (you can pay your purchases in installments and accumulate access points and also take advantage of the benefits); as a prepaid card (the correct option for the customer who wants credit, but does not yet have a good performance score).

Interest rate

Therefore, interest rates may vary according to the profile and request of each client, generally these rates may vary according to the chosen institution, and can be from 3,23% per month and 26,76% per year, all depending of course on the requested mode, customer profile and chosen institution.


If so, please call 3003-6300 or online chat available on the website of Serasa eCred.

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