Personal Loan for Negatives with Moneyman

It's normal, and it can happen to anyone, living in an emerging country, with high taxation, and crises economic that never seem to end, it is common for citizens to lose control over their finance, needing to resort to personal loan.

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Added to all this, the whole world is going through a pandemic caused by covid-19, which every day makes more victims, and prevents workers from returning to their work, and take care of your family.  

In this sense, a great option is the moneyman personal loan, which even offers low-score and negative loans.

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Getting to know Moneyman

Before entering into contracts with companies, it is important meet the organization with whom you want to work and establish ties.

THE moneyman is international fintech, which in Brazil is not a financial institution, but a bank correspondent, owned by ID Finance Brasil and Socinal Financeira.   

Created in 2015, since then, it has helped many Brazilians to get out of the crisis, and to reorganize their personal finances, in a transparent and coherent way. With 100% online procedure, a moneyman offers credit to help the customer in the short term.

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Before you apply for a loan, it is interesting to do a simulation, and check the terms and fees charged, after all, the purpose of the loan is to help you, not harm you further.

What does it mean to have a negative name?  

Stay negative, means that due to some overdue debt, your CPF was sent to a credit protection agency. In Brazil, there are 3 bodies that work in this direction: Serasa; SPC; CCF.

In our country there is no specific deadline to be negative, with a delay of 1 day, your creditor may forward your name to the competent bodies.

However, this is not a common practice, usually your creditor will notify you before forwarding it to the Serasa, SPC or CCF database.     

What is a Moneyman Negative Loan?  

O personal loan for negatives, is a credit released by the moneyman, granted to people who got their name dirty for some reason.

this is a special category, given that your restricted CPF is one of the main indices for evaluating institutions for grant a credit of any financial modality.

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In that case, the moneyman makes a very careful evaluation, from your profile, to account data and your score index, to then approve or not your loan.   

How to get personal loan for negative?

to get a credit for negative, visit the website of moneyman, and apply for your loan, the form happens in a few simple steps, and you should have your answer in a few minutes. The answers can be: failed; under verification; approved.

  • If approved, your money will be in the account within 48 hours after approval;  
  • If rejected, you can try a new request with a lower value and smaller installments;

  • If it remains under verification, the moneyman may request additional information by email.  

Interest rate

With the moneyman, you can request up to R$ 2 thousand reais, and you can pay in up to 12 months. At interest rates may vary according to the profile of each client, but we can say that on average, they stay in 15.5% per month.


For more information, visit the website of moneyman.

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Personal Loan for Moneyman Low Score