Financial investment mistakes you can't make in the pandemic

The financial investments of all of us have been put on a long pause of doubt in the face of the scenario that the world is going through, and making a mistake at this moment is all you can't do

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Nobody knows when we will have the new normal in Brazil, right? We are saying this in relation to the end of the coronavirus, which has already started to reach a worrying peak of growth.

Financial investments are always a challenge and a possibility of gains or losses, this will depend on how your money is being applied, there are common mistakes that many comment that you, a beginner financial investor, need to avoid.

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How to invest without having big losses? Maybe it's one of the questions that always comes up in the head of anyone who intends to invest money in some daring project or some promising new business.

Here on our portal Digital Insurance you stay on top of all the information about your financial life, be it a loan, card, or even financial education.

3 erros de investimentos financeiros 29-fevereiro-202

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Check out the following 3 financial investment mistakes you should avoid.

Leaving your money for a long time.

It's okay that you want to make financial investments in something very specific, but the idea of leaving your money still for a long time is not a good idea of financial investments, according to most financial experts,

What we've learned from great investors is that letting your money sit for a long time can devalue it over time. In other words, this means that, given a different macroeconomic scenario, your money will be worth less than expected.

Therefore, idle money means unprofitable money.

The second investment mistake is: market research

This is without a doubt another big mistake, but you will surely ask: what do you mean market research can be a big investment mistake?

If you're thinking about investing your money in a business, it's no use watching two or three videos on Youtube and reading half a dozen articles without being sure of the source of that information.

When talking about financial investments, we are also talking about investing in knowledge, not just money.

Therefore, you will need to invest in knowledge, how? Talking with people who already work in the investment market, reading books by people who achieved excellent results. Deep research required, don't be an amateur. Your money needs to be put to good use.

And finally: partnership error.

Big investors agree with the following maxim: “no one builds a building alone” This means the following: do you want to invest? Look for partners, stay close to people who are also wanting to grow with you. Look for trusted partners.

This last mistake is connected with the second one, investment research. When searching for knowledge, you will find someone who can share your dream of investing, undertaking.

If necessary, apply for a personal loan online or even at a bank with which you have a relationship.


Source: rich blog

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