Private and public schools in RJ have classes canceled from Monday

Private and state schools will be closed for 15 days; and those of the municipality for at least one week.

Next Monday (the 16th), classes in private and public schools in Rio de Janeiro will be suspended. The strike at schools in Rio City Hall should last at least a week. It is possible – and even plausible depending on the circumstances – that it extends until the end of March.

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These units will open almost exclusively for children's lunch during this period. The cafeterias will serve students from 11:00 to 13:00.

Escolas particulares e públicas do RJ tem aulas canceladas a partir de 2ª

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The purpose of the measure is to reduce the movement of people. The municipal network has 626 thousand students; the state, 700 thousand.

Private schools will also stop for 15 days, according to the Private Schools Union.

Other municipalities

Other municipalities in RJ also reported the suspension of classes due to the new coronavirus. However, in Belford Roxo, classes in the municipal network continue as normal.

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Duque de Caxias

The school recess of the municipal network was brought forward to this Monday (16). Students, faculty and staff must remain at home for 15 days.

New Iguaçu

Classes were suspended for 15 days throughout the municipal network.

Campos dos Goytacazes

Municipal network classes suspended. As well as all the collective activities of the Secretariat for Healthy Aging, Secretariat for Human and Social Development, Municipal Foundation for Children and Youth and Municipal Sports Foundation.

St. Johns Wood

Classes were suspended from this Monday (16), for 15 days.


Classes are suspended for 15 days at the 30 schools and 3 kindergartens of the municipal network, at the Planeta Futuro Citizenship Station, at the Third Age Sports and Leisure Center, at all poles managed by the Municipal Secretary of Sports and Leisure (Outdoor Gym and Vilas Olímpicas) and in all Cras and Creas, in addition to the registration of the Bolsa Família Program, carried out at the Municipal Social Assistance Secretariat.


School activities were suspended from March 16 to 30.

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