Online personal financing for vehicle purchase in time of coronavirus

Getting personal finance online is a really difficult task in times of the coronavirus, isn't it? That's why we've put together a series of information that will certainly help you in this search.

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It is necessary to remember that the Secure Digital Portal does not have a direct partnership with any bank, our work here is more about disclosure, secure information for you. It's not exactly about funding approval.

An important thing to say before you actually apply for and hire a personal loan online, you need to check whether the website, even those belonging to banks, contains a security certificate.

This detail can be observed at the footer of the page, in addition to being possible to know through Google's own alerts about the security of the page.

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Financiamento pessoal online em tempo de coronavírus 08-04-2020

Tips for making a secure online loan

Here are some special tips for you to search for your personal finance online without problems. One of the things you need to check for sure is whether the website's domain is your own, the ending will be: “.com” or “”, which demonstrates that it is more reliable. If the ending is: “”, the chances of being stolen are great.

Secure personal finance online?

So, you need to check the company data

We talk about this mainly in relation to independent online personal finance sites, it is important to research the history and data, such as, for example, the registration situation of the company's CNPJ.

This verification is very simple, just take the CNPJ of the same, which is usually inserted in the footer of the site and search your situation on the Federal Revenue website.

If these data are not in agreement, try to find out the reason, which already demonstrates some doubt about the company. Also check that the CNPJ is the same as the “www” domain, as many scammers use fantasy names to carry out fraudulent transactions.

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Research the reputation of the finance company online

An infallible tip is to look for the name of the company on the Reclame Aqui website. In it, you can see testimonials from people who have had negative situations with the company, preventing you from falling into the same problem.

Another very good way is to research whether the company actually exists, looking on social media or blog articles, for example.

Be careful with financing with high values.

If the company requests an amount in advance, so that the credit is assigned, this characterizes a scam. All payments must be made after contracting the released financing.

Is online financing really worth it?

It depends a lot on the type of online financing, that is, the company you chose to do, what the conditions are, that is, what are the fees charged by the companies, what are the payment methods.

If, for example, you decide to take out a loan online through traditional banks such as Bradesco, Itáu, Banco do Brasil, perhaps the loan or financing does not pay off much, as these companies work with completely conservative interest rates.

Get access to your digital financing agreement

This part is very important. The financing contract must be provided by the company and must be read by the contractor very carefully. Check if all the conditions offered and if the values of the installments are correct, so that no erroneous clause is left blank after signing the contract.

Do an analysis of the value of the parcel

If, by chance, it exceeds 30% of the contracting party's income, this condition may be an act of bad faith by the company. Such a percentage is not recommended, since financing cannot harm the family income.

Benefits of online personal finance

Agility is usually greater

Undoubtedly, one of the main advantages of this fully online service (especially in this period of coronavirus) is the speed of the credit application and also the return on approval, without having to leave the house for any of the steps.

Thus, it is possible to research and evaluate prices, conditions, the reputation of the company or the bank, among other information necessary to decide on which to close a deal.

Values are interesting.

Check it out: the application itself is not charged, it is only necessary to pay the interest rate on the financing that is actually closed by the applicant. Often, this rate, compared to traditional and face-to-face banks, is cheaper, which increases the ease of this type of credit, ranging from 3% to 6% on average.

In addition, it is possible to search online for the CET – Total Effective Cost of each operator, not having to go from bank to bank to find out which is the best interest rate. This saves you money when choosing the best rate.

Choose companies that work with transparency

Fish very well the company's reputation, its credibility in the market and its evaluations on the digital evaluation sites of companies that work with online financing.

Another facility is that all information regarding financing and its conditions is available before hiring it, in addition to having a call center available for possible doubts, which makes it even easier to make a decision on the best financing.

Still have questions about online financing?

Get in touch with the best financing companies

Diamond Loan 

Losango Relationship Center: 4004 4252 (Large centers) or 0800 721 4252 (Other locations).

Crefisa Online Financing

Dial 4004-4001, option 2, if you are in state capitals or metropolitan areas. For other locations, the number of telephone gives crefisa is 0800-722-444.

Oline Agipbank Financing

Agibank works differently, you need to get in touch through the website, clicking here.

Personal Financing at HSBC

4004 2639- For assistance in Capitals and Metropolitan Regions; 0800 726 2639- For service in other Regions.

Anyway, did you like it? Enjoy, leave your comment and of course, share this content with your friends who are looking for a loan or financing online and have not yet found a company to do this procedure in difficult times, as we are living in relation to the coronavirus.

Enjoy, and stay at home, make your requests online, as well as your personal credit card purchases.

Anyway, thank you very much for following our portal!

Per: Secure Digital Writing. 

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