Israel announces potential antibody cure for coronavirus

Everything indicates that the world is already in a powerful direction to cure the coronavirus, expectations are high for the coming months, but calm down, a strategic plan is still needed for the return of all commercial activities.

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As reported this week by Brazil Agency, The Israel Institute for Biotechnological Research, of the Ministry of Defense, made the announcement that it has developed an antibody for the coronavirus and that it is preparing the patent to later contact pharmaceutical companies, with the aim of producing it on a commercial scale.

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After all, what's new? In a statement, the institute assures that the developed antibody attacks and neutralizes the virus in sick people.

Also according to the information released, the researchers, led by Professor Shmuel Shapiro, the antibody development phase has been completed”, adds the note.

Israel anuncia potencial cura de anticorpo para o coronavírus

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Naftali Benet, who is Israel's defense minister, visited the institute's laboratory in Nezz Ziona, south of Tel Aviv, where he learned about the research. In a statement, he went so far as to state that the “antibody attacks the virus in a monoclonal way”, qualifying the work carried out as a “great achievement”.

“I am proud of the staff at the Biotechnology Institute for this breakthrough. Creativity and Jewish thinking have achieved great results.” Also according to information from Agência Brasil. the text does not specify whether tests were carried out on human subjects.

Senior Israeli defense and security officials said the discovery was the "first of its kind worldwide."

It is known that in the world there are about a hundred research teams looking for a vaccine for the new coronavirus, which caused the pandemic, and about a dozen are currently in the testing phase in humans.

Many scholars warned us in March that the process after developing a vaccine in the laboratory can take at least 18 months.

Another important piece of information that needs to be highlighted here: in March, the newspaper Haaretz reported that the center had managed to advance in vaccine investigations, and the Ministry of Defense denied the information.

Finally, we understand that at the international level, according to the balance of the AFP news agency, the covid-19 pandemic has already caused more than 250,000 deaths and infected more than 3.5 million people in 195 countries and territories.

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Source: Brazil Agency 

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