Vehicle financing Caixa – Main types of credit

O Cash vehicle finance It is an option for people who dream of buying a car. Prices are getting higher and it is very difficult to save money for the purchase of a car in cash. Because of this, the best option is to apply for financing, but there are many options.

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Therefore, you need to research to choose the one that best fits your budget and your needs. Caixa has one of the most sought-after types of financing, as it is very simple and has very low rates compared to its competitors.

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How does Caixa vehicle financing work?

After all, how does the vehicle financing Box? Caixa has a great digital platform for those who want to apply for financing, ensuring that personal data is stored securely during the negotiation and the whole process is very fast.

Caixa is one of the largest banks in Brazil, known for its loans and financing. Today there are thousands of branches across the country, with years of banking tradition. This means that each year they have a greater number of customers.

O Ca vehicle financeixa has a target audience of people who want to buy their car, who are over 18 years old and who have a fixed monthly income, without any type of outstanding debt in their name.

If the interested party has any type of debt, he must first pay off his debt and then get in touch to apply for his financing.

Credit Auto Caixa is a special line of financing for individuals who want to buy a car or motorcycle, whether new or used. It is possible to finance up to 80% of the value of the vehicle, with fixed interest rates starting at 1,24% per month, without charging additional fees.

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Vehicle financing has pre-fixed interest rates and can finance both motorcycles and new or used cars, national or imported, and can reach up to 80% of the value of the vehicle, according to the year of manufacture and the relationship of the client.

The payment period is up to 60 months. It is possible to carry out partial amortization or early settlement of the outstanding balance. Special conditions for vehicles with Auto Caixa insurance also exist and it is necessary to pass the cadastral evaluation.

Regarding taxes, fees and guarantees, there is a charge of the IOF (Tax on Financial Operations) on financing. The interest rate is in accordance with the period and quota of the operation, year of manufacture of the vehicle and the customer relationship. And the guarantee is fiduciary alienation of the vehicle.

How to finance a Caixa vehicle?

To apply for financing, it is necessary to have the required documentation in hand and access the internet, as it is possible to do everything online.

To apply for financing, therefore, it is necessary to access the company's official website, read all the information and then fill in the application with personal and financial data.

to get the Cash vehicle finance it is necessary to verify the documentation and conditions to contract the auto credit. First, you need to find out about the product, looking for a Caixa agency to learn about Auto Credit. In it, you will be able to clear all doubts before actually asking for financing.

After that, it is necessary to deliver the requested documentation, checking what is necessary to take and taking it to the agency to file the procedure. Then, just use the credit, of course after Caixa has evaluated your documentation. When everything is approved, Caixa defines the amount and the way in which the payment of your financing will be made.

Documentation and conditions

The documentation required to apply for your Caixa vehicle financing is RG and CPF in good standing with the Federal Revenue, proof of residence and income, DUT and/or vehicle invoice, DETRAN form in your city that shows the absence of debts of the car (IPVA, fines and mandatory insurance). This DETRAN document can be found on the Internet.

The established conditions of Caixa vehicle financing are that it is only for individuals and that the documentation must be delivered to a Caixa branch and will be subject to approval.

Used cars cannot be more than 10 years old. Caixa also features credit portability, as a customer of another bank, you can bring your payroll with the best conditions and rates. After the loan is transferred, the outstanding balance is settled with the original bank and the contract becomes effective with Caixa.

What is Aporte Auto?

Aporte Auto is made for those who already own a car paid off and want some extra money to be able to pay off a debt or carry out a project.

Payment can be made in up to 48 installments and is automatically debited from your account every month. It is a personal line of credit with pre-fixed interest and is for people who already own a car paid off.

Cash vehicle finance

Auto Caixa Credit Financing is the ideal type for anyone looking to buy a new or used vehicle, with one of the best conditions on the market.

It is possible to finance up to 80% of the value of the vehicle, with pre-defined interest rates starting at 1,24% per month and without charging additional fees. For those who are Legal Entities, you can find the option to renew your fleet. Car rental companies can choose this service.

Financing is paid with the Constant Amortization System, when installment values always decrease. But this type of financing has an interest rate, opening fee and credit renewal and some cases have IOF and debt settlement interest.

to have the Cash vehicle finance it is not necessary to have current accounts, but customers have more advantages due to a good relationship with the bank, check out more information on the website.

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