France has now reached more than 22,000 confirmed coronavirus deaths

Coronavirus has brought us a real nightmare in every possible way, our whole routine has been reduced to being locked up at home and just shopping at the supermarket. As much as we love staying at home, this isn't being all that fun.

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But what can we do to make it more profitable? Well, this is not the purpose of this article, but we talk about this subject. here in this matter.

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Today we are going to talk once again about the number of deaths from coronavirus in the most prestigious countries of Europe. In France, although the projection is for fewer deaths in the coming days, the death bulletin so far is quite frightening.

França já atingiu mais de 20 mil mortes por Coronavírus

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Quarantine extended to May in France

Segundo editorial do Saúde Globo, o  número de mortos por Covid-19 na França passou de 20 mil, informou nesta segunda-feira (20) o diretor-geral de Saúde, Jérôme Salomon. Com isso, o país europeu é o quarto com mais mortes causadas pela doença do novo coronavírus.

The information in this article is according to the French government, deaths from Covid-19 in the country are divided into:

The official numbers are: 12,513 in hospitals
Já estão em casa de repouso 7.752  ou outro estabelecimentos médico-sociais
Despite the sad mark, France is happy with the decline in the numbers of people hospitalized for the 12th consecutive day, according to the local press.

Compared to Sunday, the country had 26 fewer people admitted to hospitals.

O presidente da França, Macron, já  estabeleceu reabertura de escolas a partir de 11 de maio, desde que haja uma série de medidas para garantir a segurança. Na mesma data, o sistema de trens será retomado com metade da operação, no máximo.

The idea, according to President Emmanuel, is for the country to gradually resume some activities to avoid new peaks of Covid-19 — a trend that is repeated in other European countries, such as Germany and Denmark, which are also planning the same route, however, there is no confirmed date.

Source: G1 Portal

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